Wanting to start a small breeding project first time. Any good seeds or pollen around

I still have a vile of Goji OG pollen in the freezer. I could send when you are ready…

:green_heart: :seedling:


We’re best friends now.

I’m from Yellow Springs, Ohio and I’m looking for dumpster again. I remember lemon g, I’ll ask my spouse if they remember any other strains and maybe we can make a breakthrough.

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The three that stand out for me lemon g dumpster and meigs county gold that have came out of ohio. I’m in Columbus. I still have about six weeks before I have room to start something.

That would be great and I appreciate it. I still have little bit of time before I’d need any. If someone ready for it now pass it on. I’ll let you know when I’m getting close I’d rather someone that needs it now to use it but thank you again

Yea Bodhi Seeds has Garfunkle which is Dumpster x 88g13hp, Lemon Hashplant v2 which is Lemon G x 88g13hp, and Lemon Wookie v2 which is Lemon G x Wookie


Man o man, Meigs County Gold. Haven’t had that since the late 80s. Was some pretty potent stuff back then. From central ohio myself. Good luck in your search.

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Man thank you idk how I over seen that. Can I order from bodhi

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Not directly from Bodhi, no, but you can order his beans through Headie Gardens, Great Lakes Genetics, or JBC Seeds


I actually made a order last night thank you again.


Please tag me if (when) you post updates! I’m excited to see your success with the “old” strains.

Also, I was thinking about it last night, and you are likely about 10 years younger than I am. I was getting dumpster in about 2008ish. If it was on the Athens campus in 2015ish that’s good for me. The weed story I was told was that it was basically a one time grow because it was grown from a found plant. It could have been true, it was YS, but it sounded like a tall tale

Yeah that the story another member found a dumpster cross from bodhi. Dumpster was around a few years ago. I’m sure I can locate the flower but idk about clones or seeds. Do you go to the fall expo At indoor gardens in cbus

vial :wink: - vile - that made me laugh


At least I got close this time.

:green_heart: :seedling:


Copa genetics had Meigs County Gold X Ancient OG. Idk If they are still available. You could try to reach out to Copa Genetics.

Thank you very much. That gives me a great starting point to search from

I’ll have to warn you it’s addicting. And maybe there’s a way to get you going. I lots of good strains. Some dynamite projects in the wings. I can send you the seed to a project and you send me 25 finished seeds and you keep the rest. And there you go you will have a couple hundred beans to trade and diversify. Describe what weed you want to breed? And are you in Canada(shipping reasons)


I’m in the US I’m wanting to grow a lemon g. I couldn’t find just a lemon g but I just order lemon g×8813hp. Wanting to find the best female. I have another location I can grow out the males separate from the females. Hopefully I can find something close to the lemon g I remember very strong lemon scent and a intense almost artical lemon taste And eventually I want to cross to a Colombian gold. I could be going about this the wrong way.

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I don’t have any lemon. Plus I’m not mailing to the US. But I wish you well.

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No problem. I got the order in hopefully it comes through.

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