Wanting to start a small breeding project first time. Any good seeds or pollen around

I’m wanting to breed a few of my own strains. I have an idea of what I’d like but up for anything. Growing up lemon g, meigs gold and dumpster always stood out but idk if I’ll ever find those.


Hey @Mr.greenbee welcome.

What were your intentions and or goals. All 3 were noice choices you listed, some would be hard to find but are probably around. If your looking for small breeding project could be something fun to get into at least recreating them as closely as you could.

I’m trying to recreate Afgooey with a Pakistani male instead of a Ghani so if you want beans in the future i gotcha my friend.



I would suggest first learning what it takes to actually “breed”.
Do you know how to isolate traits? How to then
stabilize those traits through successive generations?
Chucking pollen is one thing but creating a stabilized strain is another matter.
There are several methods to achieve your goal but none of them are quick or easy!


Hey Mr. greenbee!

Welcome to Overgrow!

Have a look around and checkout the projects that are happening, and for sure ask questions. :+1: (you won’t get attitude here)

Lots of info on ‘ins and outs’ of breeding (this place is Stoner University)



No doubt I have more to learn but i figure I might as well grow something I can call my own. I have nothing but time and hopefully one day will have something special to pass on.


I’m in no hurry just figure if in growing might as well grow toward something of my own. My family has a cabin in meigs county. I’ve tried to find seeds but everyone says it gone or old timers are keeping seeds private. Lemon g, dumpster are just iconic strains from my area. I think recreating the strain is a great idea and probably my best bet


If I were you I’d hit all your females with the pollen from a single male.

Make your life as easy as possible (note: I don’t follow my own advice) :joy::love_you_gesture:


I have a place separate from my grow I’m thinking of growing males at kinda like a male pheno hunt find the best of the bunch and do it again. Hopefully find a prize stud I can collect pollen from and the do the same thing with with the females


Well it’s your project and you can do/be as ambitious as you’d like.

The question then becomes what characteristics are you looking for in a male? Very hard to know.

Do you plan to keep this male around for future generations?

Lots of options and only you can decide what’s best. I tend to be happy with a male that is vigourous healthy and happy but some will disagree with my criteria.

It’s all good man, best of luck.


I think there are lemon lotus seeds around. I forget why I read up on them.


You can find a dumpster cross at headie gardens, Garfunkle- Dumpster x 88g13hp from Bodhi


That my thinking vigor, health kAnd size in the male. Im really wanting something strong in flavor limonene. I still have alo of research and searching down genetic to go

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Thank you I’ll look into it


Headiegardens.com if you need a password it’s muffcabbage


Lemon larry and amnesia core cut is very high in limonene. They are some of the good starting ground to find something lemon tasting with high potency. In my experience you just have to start doing it. Dont worry about other people and just grow, test you gear and then decide what route you want to take. So get lots of girls that fall into your taste, pick mothers and start crossing. Its very time consuming and there is not any shortcuts If you want something stable. Sometimes you have to get go through several crosses until you find something worth stablize.


Awesome much appreciated

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Yeah you’d have to get in good with those types of cats for sure. But they will probably have goodies beyond imagination lol.


Happy growing and good luck

Yeah and it a secretive thing there anyways. I know I few locals so maybe just maybe there a chance

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Lemon g is suppose to be a worked G13 x Lemon Skunk, its worked towards the sativa side of Lemon Skunk.

Meigs County Gold is suppose to be a worked Acapulco Gold x Skunk #1. This strain is suppose to be 100% dead.

Dumpster is suppose to be a worked G13 x Northern light. Its suppose to be “Skunk” smelling so i think its Skunk in there too.

All lines you want to get close to is heavy worked which means that you cant recreate them with only plants that carry the strain name.

So If you cant get the seeds of the strains you need to start to hunt and figure out what you like. Breed strains after your taste.



I was thinking what would be the odds of dumpster and lemon g came from the same person. Both are worked g13 and I’ve always been told they came outside from outside of Akron. I’m a Ohio native and dumpster was huge on campus maybe five year ago. But I haven’t heard of it in awhile. Sorry just rambling

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