Washing mouldy buds in h2o2?

You proof me its toxin laced. There are good reasons for that its hyped. When people come and try to play knight in shining armor and requesting peer review before making an unpopular claim, it shows actually what I said. It’s hyped.

Danger for who? Dealers that cannot sell their defective merchandise? I am almost 59 years old and perhaps because of that I am more conscious regarding health, my mother with 92 years caught a lung infection at the hospital and she was with an oxygen mask several days until they found what kind of virus it was and make the proper antibiotic.

I prefer to be neurotic than catch a lung infection, I destroyed all the buds that were in hat jar even if only three or four were infected, mould can grow from the inside and you cannot see it.

People read this threads, just want to make sure they get all the information needed before making a decision, we are responsible of all we publish on the net and as your beloved Trump I cannot stand fake news.

Please don’t take it personally, regarding health every effort must be done … :sunglasses:


I have to go with @George. Just not worth the risks. IF I were 20 years old…I would probably have smoked it, NOW, @ 66 and a tad wiser…no fucking way!!!

I have no idea just how good/bad it is for you, for ME, just not gonna happen, with George, chunk that shit.


In the document is written that there tests used which lead to not acceptance of good crops of legal businesses because the tests are poorly suited for their task. just because its politics or the people doing policies have no clues. It is an acutal topic. How dangerous can it be if you have not enough money? How unpleasant can it be if you have nothing to smoke?

Of course when people get older alcohol excesses and hangover are more difficult to bear. But I wouldn’t die from it. Unless chronic. Or if already severly sick.

Is drinking alcohol worth the risk? probably more dangerous but socially accepted.

I could imagine that smoking a cigarette is more unhealthy than smoking moldy weed.

I dont think there is this one answer to dismiss it and say its all bad.

There are several websites that you have been linked to that tell you otherwise… but if you want to trust one non peer reviewed “white paper” then be my guest. Be warned, if you try sell that shit to me and say “Of course when people get older alcohol excesses and hangover are more difficult to bear. But I wouldn’t die from it. Unless chronic. Or if already severly sick…” you’re going to get a slap in the face…


what websites? the clickbait type articles? and you request peer reviewed stuff? ridiculous.

I think trying to slap me would be the worst thing to do for your health, mr overly scientific solaris.

Yeah bro, I’m overly scientific for not wanting to smoke mouldy bud :joy::joy:


Just stop it!!! If you are hell bent on smoking it, go right ahead…enough already. What would possess someone to roll the dice regarding their health?


EXACTLY WHY …I smoke MY OWN BUD!!! He is not alone in this, happens all the time.

Life is to precious/short to smoke moldy nasty ass Bud…


I’ve read the thread. Not calling out anyone one, just my personal thoughts. What og 1.0 was about, community. I’m a recovering alcoholic. I have Chrohns Disease… so preface my opinion with that. When I grew 10 years ago? I threw away moldy bud, not worth the risk. I went without. Now? I fear with going without? Yet still not ingesting that crap. Back then, I didnt know the extent of my medical conditions. Still didnt take the risk. Harvest (the purpose of this site)lost? Or money lost (off topic)? Is a health risk worth it? Take it from the beautiful, contributing, members of this site? Life is worth it. Read ALL of their posts, they are people who want to live. They struggle, they lose, they have anxiety. They are We. Hope my stoned ramblings, after a 12 hour day make sense, and I didnt overstep boundaries.


Harvest is not the purpose of this site, it’s a part but not even top 5 really lol

The purpose is education, mostly and fun :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Trying to educate people that smoking moldy bud WILL harm needs to be taken seriously as sometimes mold inhalation comes shortly before dead and that’s NOT what we’re about … as shitty as it seems, get rid of the bud and figure out why it molded in the first place and stop it from happening next time


What was the idea behind this topic? Ask people for there opinion on smoking moldy bud just to argue against it? Why even make the thread? It seems your mind was already made up. Smoke your moldy bud! Smoke it all! Then, make an appointment with a pulmonologist. Good luck!


Rubish. Completely the opposite. Take a moment to read up on the purpose:

The earth is flat – an authoritative author.


doesn’t sound convincing to me

“Very few papers pass this initial evaluation. If the journal editors feel the paper sufficiently meets these requirements and is written by a credible source, they will send the paper to accomplished researchers in the field for a formal peer review. Peer reviewers are also known as referees (this process is summarized in Figure 1). The role of the editor is to select the most appropriate manuscripts for the journal, and to implement and monitor the peer review process.”

So much room to enter for everything else than “truth”. Just because of some politics behind the academic journaling papers or any career academics a lot of interesting information might get dismissed.

And I say it again I think you don’t need a completely peer reviewed document in some “high standard” scientific journal to make some general or broad claims. I am not sure what you want. Everyone who needs more information can read more if he wants. I am just saying if you are healthy you most likely won’t get anything because you have a good immune system. People and all these also general newspaper style articles react always like you will die if you smoke moldy weed. I say thats a hyped statement.

I just posted that document because I thought someone might be interested in it because it nicely shows the topics in microbial safety and testing and gives an interesting view on this emotionalized debate about mold. Because all the other articles or documents was newspaper style crap or some shit about some different kind of infected crops.

So what now, I will not really change my opinion. But the thread was never about that. And thats ok. You can have your opinion.

But the only argument I would let count is that this is a public board and making unpopular potentially risque health claims should not be made because some people need be protected from themselves and the only way would be to restrict everybody from that information.

But when I think about it… no. That is not what I believe. I think its enough advisory when I said clearly you could die. But still I think its hyped. Also the same when you live in a house with mold. Some people get crazy because of that. They rip down the walls even when its not necessary and there are much easier counter measures you can do. They say mold its the devil! Same here one guy panicks destroys his whole stash even its not necessary.

Also probably doing your electricity yourself or even growing concerning fire hazards are probably more dangerous but its generally accepted here.

Look what we have here:

BTW: when I posted the thread it was couple months ago. I just revived the thread to post the document because I thought somebody might be interested in it. Not because I wanted any adivce or any absolution or whatever.


Few offensive posts from the the debate were removed… I’m closing this topic temporarily…

Might be relevant to the post.


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In my early 20s I moved a lot of mexi brick once I got stuck with one that had mold on it pretty good got a good friend of mine pretty sick with a respiratory infection… Molds never a good idea people


Welcome to Overgrow @SerialSquishy