Weirdest Mail Blunders

Did the Jamaican post office have their hand out?


I once had a bubble mailer from Sebring arrive completely unsealed. As in the sticker never got peeled off the adhesive, unsealed. The flap was down, like when it is sealed, and the pucks were in there, but gosh dang if I wasn’t paranoid for about a year straight :flushed:


I was gifted some London Pound Cake a couple years ago. They were to be mailed. I got the letter. But it was torn open at the seam and the pack of seeds were gone. Just an empty envelope.


I had an order from mr nice auctions take 8-9 months. I had already written it off then one day I get a beat up padded envelope that looked like it had been through hell. I was confused when I saw a box inside if something I didn’t order, but I opened it to find a bunch of straws :grin: