Welcome to Herbies USA Express!

The news is out – we’re excited to announce the launch of a brand-new branch in the United States and are inviting you along to see what we’re up to!

With Herbies USA Express, buying cannabis seeds online has become easier than ever. Our product range includes only strains that have been hand-picked for growing in the U.S., and orders are delivered within 1-3 days across all 50 U.S. states and Washington, D.C.

You can choose from a variety of payment options for the most convenient shopping experience and enjoy our usual double guarantee and personalized customer service. Plus, we’re based in the U.S., so you won’t face any customs issues with our trouble-free delivery service.

And of course here comes a little gift from us: promo code UE25OFF gives you 25% off your first order at Herbies USA Express!

Welcome to Herbies USA Express – the beginning of a new era in Herbies’ history!


Seedsman did something like this, and I found that the beans I wanted were usually in stock outside the US, but as soon as it made me transfer to the US side of the site, they were out of stock. Is this something you see happening with your US site? I assume it will have its own separate inventory.


So where do you source your seeds from?

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Is that $18, 20, and $22 for ONE seed? SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


yikes! it appears so.

and no reg beans. i know that doesn’t matter to everyone, but thats usually what I look for these days.


WOW ! news to me - yea !! Herbies is one of the “orginal” groups of seed bank some 20yrs ago will site site a look


Ouch 20 bucks a seed… insanity!!!


Same, wish someone in the US carried TH Seeds


SHN has them.

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Oh I don’t use them I’ll have to look thanks

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Did i read that right $20+ for a SEED? I do spend a decent buck on seeds but not on new sources. Like to keep the price down and look to hit most of the places up on the Holidays I am not worried about having old seeds with my seed popping method. I had a 6 y/o seed pop within 24-30 hours.

For 1 seed, the price goes down with more seeds ordered. Think it’s meant to encourage buying more rather than less seeds.


It doesn’t appear that you’re missing much.

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The discount for quantity still doesn’t justify the price even with the 25%off.

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lol i have to buy some seeds and was heading to Herbies and now i see this thread, that’s cool. delivery and 25 discount seem to make a decision not to wait too much. btw i didnt expect such a big range of seeds, good job. so let’s see

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has anyone ever bought one seed? :rofl:

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yeah, i faced the same with seedsman, always out of stock. high hopes for usa express now

Have you checked out the URB Mall They look like they have added more products but more importantly it looks like some Genetics are over there as well A lot of the stuff is like 30-60% Off for members

The banana candy crush was pretty legit, always had good experiences with them. I know Dutch shops aren’t as popular anymore but I still like them

Yes, but who pays $20+ for a seed?
Hell, I won’t spend that on a plant.

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