Quebec Cannabis Seeds

Wasn’t sure where to post, hope this is ok here. I’m ready to order my first real seeds! Is this a reputable site?

I’m looking to order from Canada since I live in the states. Many other sites I found are from them weird places across the pond where they eat crumpets with tea :crazy_face: Seriously I love all my foreign peeps. Much more down to earth then Americans. I’m open to suggestions for great places to order from


Nothing against Canada, but if you’re in the US why not order from one of the many convenient seedbanks here? There are many here that offer easy payment options and great selection without the chance of losing your order to customs.

I really like JBC and SoakNBeans (run by @kakalak who posts here). You can also order directly from a lot of breeders like Greenpoint and Mephisto (if you like autoflowers).

Be sure to plan your purchase to take advantage of sales for the upcoming 4/20 “holiday”!


I honestly didn’t know seeds were sold in the USA! You can tell I’m behind the times. Well, I actually already placed an order with them. Just picked a couple random plants to try them out. They’re auto feminized so I guess that mean the seeds are guaranteed female and they flower on their own? Without changing the light schedule? That’s just crazy to me. The thing I didn’t like about that seed bank is you have to register and put in all your information. I noticed that with another site. Are all of them like that? I thought it was supposed to be descreet. Are there fake banks used as a sting??


If you’re going to buy from Canada, Coastal Mary is the best. Here is the link


To your original question:

I haven’t dealt with them but from what I see, they are OK.

Have a look at Great Lakes Genetics:

Excellent rep and not crossing borders :+1:



I checked out all the ones you’ve recommended. None of them take credit cards?!! My order from qwebec site got denied somehow so I’m back to square one. This is more difficult then expected.

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Oh, hell no-

USA all the way…

Great lakes genetics
Old faithful seed bank
Baked beans
Neptune seed bank
United seed bank

Just to name a few :us: based dank bean dealers :smiley:

4 Likes takes Credit Cards Bro,


IMHO, some of the B-E-S-T Breeders are RIGHT HERE on OG!!! Another thing, your CC might have been denied because Canada is still “International”!! Call your Card Provider, let them know you are making an “Overseas Purchase”, they will clear the purchase, just don’t tell them it’s for MJ Seeds. You then make your purchase, it will NOT appear on your Bill as “Quebec Cannabis Seeds”. If it does, they might as well shut down their operation!!! Wishing you luck, keep at it, don’t despair, SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray::heart_eyes:

4 Likes @Automatik is here at times on og,good dude good genetics takes PayPal, ships fast


What strains are you looking for? Maybe me or someone else can help you out. :smiley:


Thanks y’all for being so helpful and positive it is greatly appreciated! Honestly I don’t know what to get for my first real seeds! The 4 different sites I messed with I picked 2 sets of completely different strains each time lol. I don’t know anything about these strains. I’m only familiar with like northern lights, ak47, purple haze and that’s it. As long as I find a sativa and a pretty indica I’ll be happy :rofl: obviously a new grower. And I haven’t smoked in years

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I got you. Send me a PM.


Thanks for all the suggestions and information! Yes that makes perfect sense about the international purchase denial. I’ve never done PayPal or all this other new ways of purchasing, and I’ve ordered psilocybin spore prints countless times with a debit purchase so Im not that concerned about that type of purchase. It’s not like the old days where even talking about weed the fbi shows up at your doorstep lol


Some Canadian sites are selling relabelled bulk seeds. If they’re selling the same 50 strains as the other guys, you can bet they’re not doing much of their own breeding and you’re getting a mass produced generic product that might not be exactly what you paid for.

I’d rather give my money to the people who are putting in the work like JOTI, Peak Seeds BC, etc.


if it were not for customs grabbing my gear, I would do more ordering to Eu. and Canada.


Dang all these places require the Wave or Mesh things! I tried both and was denied with both! What are these things? Some secondary process for descrete and to charge a fee? Why am I being declined? Do I have to notify my bank?? I have a small local credit union so maybe they’re stupid and block things like this. Ugh this is aggravating!!! Time to look into PayPal I guess

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I agree with this and do give my money to them.


I just put some seeds in the mail for @Dalorean so he doesn’t need to buy any now if he doesn’t want to.


Chitown is a good place.
@Automatik runs it and comes here also

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