Well shit...I did it again

I grew a plant that was from Ace Lebanese, the original seed maker was a cbd plant and more a wake up weed. This baby I used to seed with my one landrace team male. I culled until I got a nice stable female and grew her out cut her down and have been cureing her in the mason jar gradually dropping from 80%/ to 75% to 65% and then last night I made a big ol blunt and saved the seeds…smoked that baby thinking I would have a wake up weed. Boom I was in stone city almost immediately and confused eventually got my shiftogether and got in bed. Slept very well.
So I woke up this morning, discovered I had left the front door unlocked, the water running in the flowerbed the lights on in my studio, and…the lid off the mason jar. Dammit.


Haha! I love those days! That good good!


I had one outlier from my CBD chuck, smoked a little and ended up fucked for hours, in a nice way. Roll of the die, the rest of the 22 plants were no or minor amount of THC.

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That good huh!! Bahahahahaha

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