Smoke session memories

Recently I was reminiscing with a friend, recalling tales of our early smoke sessions, specifically things we haven’t seen or experienced in a while. One thing I brought up was a sensation I can best describe as the world was going by at a very slow frame rate. It felt like I could see each frame for a moment before progressing to the next. It has been a very long time since I have been that stoned. :rofl:

The other thing I brought up, I am still investigating; Creeper weed. When I was a teenager, that name came with a bag occasionally, and you would feel high when you smoked, but that high would continue to build after you finished. I started googling a little, found some “creeper” seeds on Attitude, but haven’t found any other seeds with that name anywhere else. I did see references indicating that this was just a factor some strains had.

I am curious if anyone has knowledge of creeper weed to share, but also feel to share your own memories :slight_smile:


one effect i only experienced a few times… is the ‘blind but not blind’ effect. one time i remember clearly. i had only smoked a few times but i went and smoked with some friends (turned out to be chem dog which i didn’t remember until much later.) we decided to go get some food so on the way across campus for some reason i decided to run/sprint ahead of them. when we got there i picked out the shit ton of food i wanted… pizza, chicken tenders, curly fries. while i was waiting for my food apparently the shop was closing, and when i went to the register the guy was saying something but i had no idea what, so i said “what?” he speaks again. “what?”, and again ‘what?’. finally the girl i went there with came back to me at the register. i couldn’t understand or see what the guy was saying, but i could see and hear her perfectly. turns out he was trying to tell me that the register was closed so my food was free. but yeah, long story to say i experienced the ‘blind but not blind effect’. that’s one i remember.

also after taking a smoke break for a year or two i smoked a blunt and could see just fine on my way to sit back down but then the tunnel vision kicked in. i felt like i couldn’t see but managed to make it to my car so who knows
without mentioning more random stories has anyone experienced this effect? being able to see someone but not see at the same time? i don’t know any better way of explaining it. like really bad tunnel vision? i don’t know.


also, has anyone ever had muscle spasms after smoking? like violent twitching? i’ve only seen it happen twice, once to me, and once to a couple friends that both smoked the same weed. (not same weed as me the other time, i just meant the same as each other). definitely ruined the high.


This will be a long one…

I started smoking weed when I was 12, once or twice, didn’t get high at all. Didn’t try it again until I was 14, still nothing. I was about to give up until I got really fried at 16.

My story was one of not getting high the first time. Which I don’t know how common that is.


The day I got high, I was working with my friend raking blueberry fields. It was my first job, and it sucked. On this day, it was 92 degrees with what felt like 100% humidity. It was hot and just a shitty day to be in the middle of a field raking blueberries. I think I was on week 3 of working the summer raking. We would get $2.50 per 5 gallon bucket of BB.

Around lunch time is where it happened. We were on lunch break and my buddy pulled out this glass one hitter, and packed it up. He took a hit and handed it to me. I took a massive rip off it and held it in. Coughed my ass off and felt the rush. For what felt like a hour, we smoked about 5 bowls, ended up being like 10 mins.

My fiend and I both came up with the idea that this job sucked ass and we were going to walk home. Which was 19 miles away. We grabbed our shit and hit the road. Never heard from the blue berry company or anything after that. I think I ate like a 20$ paycheck.

(Just a random image I found online.)


I have had some muscle spams, but I don’t think I can recall any from smoking. That does not sound great :frowning:

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I love blueberries, and today I learned this is how they are gathered :smiley:


That raking is for low bush wild blueberrys, a Maine staple :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:. There are reasons why they cost more hehe. They’re smaller but pack more flavor and antioxidants.


Back, when I was living in my vanagon, on Oahu…

I got a chance to smoke Kona Gold-

It was a hell of a rush, very energetic high, that started creeping into paranoia territory…

Smoke more, and your soaring again, but the paranoia always creeps back, till your stoned, and crashing :smiley:


In the past the 70’s maybe late 60’s creepers were fairly common. We usually came up with a creeper every cple of months. They were fun.


I think I recall one of my buddies back then telling people creeper the was product of making a hash ball from hands/tools after harvesting, letting that dry, then making it into a powder which was sprinkled onto the buds. Well, if that explanation was filtered through a stoned, idiot teenager :stuck_out_tongue:


I read it was a genetic thing but i do not know, but know this have not had a real creeper in at least 30 years.


I kind of miss the days when “theories” and stories like that weren’t a google search away. Was funner to just think about things. “Marlboro totally has plans for when they legalize marijuana. It’ll be a yellow pack and they’re going to be called Marlboro Sunshines, they’re ready to go man”. “I heard that Marilyn Manson had a rib removed so that” well you can guess if you don’t know lol.

The first thing that came to mind in this thread was the coming to feeling. @Syn I didn’t get high my first time and most people I know didn’t. After that though a common thing I remember when getting high was constantly feeling like I was coming too like I had fainted or something. I hadn’t and I guess I was just zoning out really hard and snapping out of it. Actually looking back on it I’m surprised I stuck with smoking. If that was my introduction at this age that would be enough to turn me off completely.


I have a plant right now. It’s the keeper from a whole pack of GSC x Indiana Bubblegum from CSI Humboldt. We call it the Speed Train. Just like those magnetic trains in China it starts slow. But once it gets going, it never slows down, and the high increases for like 45 minutes. Not necessarily a creeper, but very easy to overdo. Smells like fruity spray paint.


That was the thing for me, I was surprised I kept at it. I guess I just liked how it tasted, and my parents were trying to hide their smoking from me. SO there was always access. (yes i used to pinch buds off my parents bags once in a while)


I was always jealous of the kids who knew their parents smoked. It’s only a plus- steal bud and they can’t really say much, they’re chiller to some extent, and you always had that card to play in an argument!


mine didnt care that i smoked, but god forbid i have a beer or something, my ass would have been whooped.


I will never forget the first few times I got caught smoking by my parents. It would have been terrifying, sober. lol.


Alot of the skunk brick I use to get was creeper but good. I always thought I was the hardest smoker unil I would see somebody down half a blunt. I was never good enough downing a half blunt of homegrown. But seen peeps who have. Damn they are some hard tokers…


I will say that some of the harder smokers I have met were women… no shit…


I’ve seen a few girls who out-smoke most men. An ex of mine could smoke like a champ and handled hallucinogens like a champ too. You would have thought that it would make her a nicer person overall but it did not…