Accidentally grew cbd

So I grew out some random bag seeds recently and harvested what looked to me as some dank frosty nugs. After harvest I was still smoking a blend of some bought stuff and some of what I just harvested. Once I ran out of the stuff I bought I noticed that mime weren’t as potent as I’d like. This is was a bummer but that’s what you get when you grow out random seeds. Soon after that I noticed I was having super vivid dream for the first time in a long time. It was only then that I realized the seeds I grew out were either straight hemp or just pollinated with hemp pollen. Now I’ve got 2 jars of cbd buds and I’m kinda pissed I have about 7 runs under my belt all random bag seed but this is the first time (and only time, As I just got a bunch of seeds online) this has happened. Has this happened to anyone else?


No, not to me…


I love CBD weed, just mix with something potent and you will like the subdued buzz and body effects.


never happened here either, where did you get the seed? maybe tell us so we can avoid them.
if you want some seed to grow with thc, let me know and ill send a few your way


Reading this whole post makes me think you chopped your plant too early and it didnt have time to produce amber trichomes.


Nope I scoped them the same as always. I’m in prohibition land they were with some seeds I got From A guy who moves weight. All the other seeds I’ve got were great. Real potent stuff. My theory is that they were seeds that came from Hemp pollen. People will often unload undesirable weed here because it’s almost 100% black market. Even the medical patients in Ohio don’t go to the dispensaries.


Ohio here. If you are growing bag seeds the end result is somewhat of a gamble. Hell, you can grow 3 seeds from the same stain and the same package and get 3 different looking plants.


I mix some CBD in with other weed, like it better than straight THC.


Over fertilized legal/store bought bud hits like cbd.

You coulda just lucked out dude. If it’s just the one plant. I’ve had plants from reputable breeders where the plants had no high to speak of - left me scratching my head. Sometimes if you concentrate them, like bubble the whole plant you might get a high from that. Sometimes even supposedly good genetics can throw out the odd dud. Bad luck there though it sounds like.

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I find that for medicinal use, CBD dominant works best, with just a little THC. So don’t be too discouraged. You can still use it. If you are used to high THC you can just start adding a little CBD to it. They both have great benefits.


If you want CBD to work well you should use it before using THC.

CBD only attaches to CBD receptors, THC will attach to both CBD and THC receptors.

So using THC first, reduces the amount of CBD receptors that are available.


@shadey that’s cool to know! It explains a lot.

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