Herm. LebNese grow

so shoot me…I’m growing seeds from my first grow project
Lebanese landrace from ACE
I had a timer accident and the lights went off for an hour and come back on jn the middle of the night so these apparently hermed…I never saw bananas
But I had seeds
One was a green stem.
One was a red stem
I raised them under CFL lights and in happy frog mixed with peat and perlite to.lighten it
I only used wel water and molasses for.fertiljzer


Can’t find the gun… So I will follow along this wild adventure.
No chance of it being something else pollinating them? Seems weird a single incident cause herm. But I’m still new to this.

The red stem.was.potent couch lock weed
The green stem was a cbd plant
I had it tested and it was 3.5 CBD and less than one percent thc
It was high in linalool.and Guiol
It has a strange black.pepper taste


I find smoking it wakes me up and mellows my.mood at the same time
It’s perfect for a morning when you had too many drinks the nighbefore or too.much CBN


I also smoke it on the drive home me when I have trouble staying awake
So when I got some freebies lebanese seeds from landrace team
I figured “why not”
I ran the landrace team seeds through a germination bomb and the seeds cracked
Only one broke through soil
I.popped five of the herm lebanese
I picked the two strongest starters and this is them


The landrace team leb is in the back of the next photo…its a few days behind but looking weak


I.had never raised cannabis before and these were the only ones in the closet so…it had to be a herm
I found one or two weird shapes in the interNodes…down low…?

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At any rate I’m gonna raise some.more and will decide if I want to.make seeds from them :thinking:


I’m surprised you found a potent plant from the ace Lebanese line. I thought they were mainly cbd dominant. Looks like a nice Lebanese that they carry. Good chance of finding some excellent medicine. I’ll be interested to see how the landrace team version looks. I grew RSC version. And I have wondered if the landrace team got their seeds from this source.

Yes one (the red stem) was extremely potent and the other was not at all…
I will run the redstem after I run the greenstem.

After aging for two years and my tolerance getting pretty much i can still use it for my insomnia