What are you paying at the gas pump

2,1 euros per L for gas
2,19 usd per L

2,3 euros per L for diesel
2,40 usd per L


Regular is at $3.59 a gallon in MA

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$3.44 per gal in Upper Michigan :us:


That is most expensive for sure $2.20 USD per Litre.

Its so crazy
People pay $2 for a bottle of water.

I saw pepsi on sale for $0.88c cad a 1litre

People love theyre pepsi. Guy in front of me and 2 behind me both had cartfulls yesterday… I’ve never been a big pop drinker. Only time I ever bought a 2L was for mix with booze 10+ years ago.

Gas selling same price as bottle of water…


Yeah our state government sucks. Too beautiful of place to give it to the commies without a fight though😆 fixin to stay✊


$3.75 in my neck of the woods.

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I wish you luck!

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Screw electric cars we need engines that run on Pepsi!



reg $3.39 / gallon
prem $3.97 / gallon
diesel $3.87 / gallon

My car is $64 to fill I’ve been trying not to let it get below half talk. I live rural lots of equipment uses gas I rely on.


4.77 regular.

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3.09 a gallon

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Wow, thats crazy!! And i was thinkin, we got to pay the highest fuel prices
1,60€ - 1,70€ /liter


I paid $3.129/gallon on Saturday. South Central Kentucky.

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Same price in Baltimore $3.59 for regular at farm store which is usually lowest prices on gas here

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Paid 3.59$ per gal this morning to fill up for my 120 mile daily round trips all week long


Oh my god. I hope you get get miles per gallon

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Hahahahahahahaha fuck no I don’t. Last time I brought it up was literally told “that’s not our problem” to which I replied “if you want to keep me as an employee, it’s your fucking problem”.

200$ of each biweekly check has to be save JUST FOR FUEL to get to and from work every day. And I drive a 2011 Impala and get 26.5 mpg average (not the best, I do 85 the whole way and idle for an hour while I sleep on lunch occasionally).

Aren’t life’s sacrifices just fantastic?


Oh my Lord t o a.
That’s awful

They should let people establish credit through fine fuel or own some stocks in oil and gas LOL ffs

And then on top of you you have maintenance and then your own time in the vehicle which is worth more than all of it which is the sad part but hopefully it’s a bit of you time in the vehicle LOL

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Like 3.60 a gallon. NJ used to have the cheapest gas in the country along with Texas because we have so many refineries. Gas didn’t have to travel far so that helped but also the tax was kept down as a way to basically justify having these cancer factories in state. Then our fat pos ex governor upped the tax anyway. And in case anyone was wondering - no the refineries didn’t go anywhere.


I paid $1.82/liter ($6.90/gal) for cheap stuff in Victoria, BC the other day :face_vomiting::face_vomiting::face_vomiting: