What are you proud of? Cannabis related accomplishments

Yes! I was originally going to say I got popped 2x as a young man & kept my mouth shut. I’m also proud of that :+1:


Yeah me too @shag When they first came out I was in awe. I still think they’re cool.
Hey at least you tried a DIY. I just waited until I could afford it, which happened to be never haha.
We still use 1000 and 600 watt HIDs that Lady z uses downstairs, but she has recently bought 3 accual.100w for my little 2x4 in our bedroom. It’s a learning curve for me.


uh…how about all you do HERE for all of US !?


@DougDawson Doug you are a great advocate and you give so much to this great community buddy! You should be very proud of this. I’ve seen others refer to you as a legend and I can not disagree!


Thanks @Lady.Zandra63 and @Draig , appreciate the kind words :pray: :v:


Thank you bromigo, I actually went to their factory in Bellwood, Illinois back in the day


My buddy has 7 of the big ones and doesn’t want to get rid of it…he’s not even using them.


Never having spider mites or any kind of bug/ mold problem indoor for 20 plus years. Then I took some clones in…that streak is over.



I bet that was a lot of interesting fun!!

Hey if they ain’t broke right? I can understand not wanting to switch up when you’re getting great results!


They were not cheap.


Damn 20 years!?!? That was some streak homie :+1: I’m just going to use seed then.


That’s all I did. No clones. Once I finally got some. Mites. Like hell!!! It was. It’s over now tho


waited almost 20 years to start my own grow in my own home. finally got there and have ran 7-8 harvest and went perpetual there for the last few!

proud of my self for picking up the gardening and seeing it through despite the struggles of a first time grower !


I worked in my small town to play a small part in changing the culture from anti-cannabis to agreeing to legalize medical cannabis. Next we worked to legalize recreational, but by that time money was spinning in the city’s eyes and that probably had more to do with rec legalization than anything. Now I’m dropping out of the whole thing because legalized pot has become a mass of changing regulations, taxes, fees, putting those who developed pot out of business and the industrialists who are taking over the cannabis business in charge. This is why it is important to grow your own and “Support your local growers!”


Great topic. I would love to be in a magazine. It is an antiquated form of media now, but it is what I grew up with.

As far as something I am proud of. I grew Mexican bagseed back when I was made fun of for it. Everyone encouraged me to stop the nonsense and buy Dutch genetics but I wasn’t terribly interested. I wanted outdoor sativa hybrids with mold and pest resistance. Outdoor seeds were something disappearing fast. If anyone remembers the old Emery catalogs then they remember an era where strains were listed as Indoor, In/Out, and Outdoor genetics.

In my neck of the woods every pothead had a little stash of seeds for “one day”. Almost none of them ever grew them, but I did. I found some neat stuff too.


My goals aren’t done though. I want to breed rare genetics into new strains and release them for free all over the world.


I’m pretty proud of my seed collection now I just got to buck up and grow some of it


so im just proud of just putting weed first

Learning alot online, plus using my own observations to grow dank weed and being self sufficient, and never running out of fresh weed :four_leaf_clover:

are there no weed emoji’s ? :unamused:


Fun Topic, Thanks to all for sharing.

I once grew an eight foot tall Acapulco gold indoors… it was hard!




Great shares everyone!!!

Well, I was growing for myself and my partner and then BAMM!: one of my best friends gets Cancer so I ramped-up to level “it’s on like Donky Kong.”.

She’s in remission and my contributions helped here with all her anxiety as she went through chemo and since then anyone in need of medicine that’s reached out to me has gotten what they needed no question asked and for free because it’s the OG thing to do!

Keep growing, keep chucking, keep sharing, keep learning, keep being OG to the C0R3!


The big Phototrons were about $700…I had about 7 of them, big and small Phototrons but I only bought 1…
back in the old Overgrow days people were sending me their Phototrons and I would send them clone only strains that they wanted.
I have 1 brand new that hasn’t been used and it has an exhaust fan on 1 panel, it’s in the garage sitting idle and still in the box.