What do stoners eat? 🍴 (Part 1)

Im not a hunter…but for 300 a bird. :thinking: :laughing:


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Can you tell us about your corner of the world?

Are you likewise flush with this sacred goose that invades public parks and renders grassy fields and waterfront strips unenjoyable with goose droppings?



I live in San Francisco everything is expensive lol even Safeway
I’ve worked in butcher shops here that charge $32 for a
Mary’s organic chicken
But geese goose are expensive compared to a duck,
It’s like hookers you paying for a ghetto hooker or a high class hooker :rofl:



That’s funny. Happy Mother’s Day!!! Yea!

Nice I could go for that. Peace Irish your food looks good. I need a snack.

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I found a $300 rice
Cooker last week walking the dogs plays music when the rice is cooked

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I seen that. How is it?

It’s a nice rice cooker cooks rice in half the time of
My old one lol put the old one in the cupboard just incase
Rice cooker is on 365 days in my house my dogs eat rice every night

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Love some rice.

Me to,I like rice pudding have to look up a recipe for it


My mother was nice enough to write this down for me at one point. Though I have yet to make it myself, I always thoroughly enjoy rice pudding during the holidays.


I keep picturing a goose hooker.


Tim’s. From my home state, lol.

Two potatoes standing on the street corner which ones the hooker?

The one with the sticker I da hoe


Would you consider this Canadian goose organic?

Old picture…over $1K worth of organic goose…:joy::rofl::sweat_smile:


You should not worry about cholesterol, ldl is not bad, its essential for a healthy functioning body.

The problem is having an incomplete or unbalanced diet. If you cut out refined carbs and sugar you will not have a problem.

Carbs cause vascular inflamation amongst a lot of other harmful things. That inflammation causes damage to the walls and of your blood vessels, the ldl cholesterol repairs that damage.

Then because most people dont eat enough leafy greens, and are dificient in vit K2, which part of its job with vit D3 is to move calcium out of your blood stream to bones and teeth.

Because the calcium is not being moved out of the blood stream it floats around and attaches to the LDL cholesterol that has repaired the damage to your arteries, and starts calcifying and blocking your arteries.

Provided you don’t have fatty liver syndrome and a sluggish gall bladder that releases fatty acids to breaks down fats, you can eat a lot of fats like EVOO or as found in a goose fat fatty acids that will remove built up vascular plaques that narrow your arteries.

If you combine it with fasting your body enters apothogy, after 18 hours, where it will scavenge your body for energy with macrophages it produces, to break down and remove damaged cells and other unwanted things in your body like calcium plaque and the ldl cholesterol that finished its job repairing your arterial walls gets absorbed and recycled.

Check out The Metabolic Classroom on YouTube or Dr Berge or Dr Eckberg they have easy to understand info on diet and your body.

Your average medical doctors have very little knowledge of nutrition and foods, and because they want to sell you drugs to resolve your symptoms of problems, not the actual cause of your problems, rhey don’t look at all the new data coming out showing how food helps or destoys our health.


Much appreciated @Shadey

Excellent info. For sure prescription meds will be a last resort.