What happens to the best

please do so, always interested in the ‘past’ adventures…lot’s of stuff happened, most of it GOOD :slight_smile:

I hear you. Organized crime has their grubby fingers in too many aspects of our lives.

Spectating sports always seemed like a waste of time to me. Maybe you are losing interest so that some more meaningful activity can enter your life🤷🏻‍♀️


Something more meaningful than NYR hockey? :open_mouth: lololol…

As for the organized crime, I grew up close by some of the most organized, fished in the bay close to their homes. nevr had a problem with them, and things were very peaceful for the most part. Cross the Don, and it’s your ass, but how many people even have the opportunity to cross him, most never see him.

Gov’t shut most of that down. The feds have taken the lead on organized crime, and are facilitatiing the takeover by ruthless, immoral gangs.

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That feels like a slippery slope… If people want to gamble, let them gamble. The guys that can truly change the outcome of a game are paid too much to be bought these days. Plus, it’s not like this is something new, it dates back centuries

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On teachers, I knew some great instructors (college) that continued on being above average until they retired. One of them picked me to be his replacement. I left because of poor management, more concerned what the program looked like on paper than actual results.


I think the real issue is the people who make it to these high levels aren’t honestly the best in their fields. It’s a problem that has led us where we currently are as a society. No not politics in that sense, but politics on the personal level. It can be called the good ol’ boy network, the buddy system, but it all boils down to people being promoted to positions way above their skill level based on who they know or they are funner to be around.

Thea best and brightest get held down and hidden by those above them because they know if they allow their abilities to be seen then that person will take their spot. So instead of promoting and nurturing the best and brightest, they promote those who are worse and dumber than they are so they won’t be a threat to their position.

How many people on this forum have worked for a company that hired a friend or relative of the owner or upper management to a cushy position that they clearly weren’t qualified for? I’ve personally seen it at all but one of my jobs. That right there kills worker moral and makes them careless about the quality of the job they do. Why come in everyday, bust your butt and do a great job when the company will just fill those positions you’d want to be promoted to with their frat bros, friend or family member who can’t do a fifth of what you can.


I don’t remember a wal-mart buy USA. I do remember the rest of the working country saying this. In a business class we study Sam’s model, and getting into China was a major part of it.


Not nuts. You have respect for your ability

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i thought this was about slave/forced work for cheap products, but then it is also about refs and players colluding for gambling, but its also about nepotism. im a bit lost.

I will say this tho. as long as it isnt hate speech, i come to this website for whatever you potheads want to talk about, chill or no chill. variety and spice.


No hate here, just evaluation of stuff. Maybe some lively banter.

Call it a grass roots movement. Where we still get to talk about heavy stuff, disagree, but still get along. Don’t be tooooo clicky and sensisitive, would be my message to people. Socialize with everyone, and listen to the words coming out of their mouth😜


Kinda like all the lab coats and fancy dog n pony show that legal growops have. All have degrees making ridiculous money unlimited funding for the grow and still growing trash.