Schedule 1 Classification

Schedule I substances are described as those that have all of the following findings:

  1. The drug or other substance has a high potential for abuse.
  2. The drug or other substance has no currently accepted medical use in treatment in the United States.
  3. There is a lack of accepted safety for use of the drug or other substance under medical supervision.[38]

As this was always bs from the beginning, and the last 30 years or so since California first legalized medical has only proven the above statements as fallacy how does the US government maintain cannabis at this classification. It was proven to medical uses prior to prohibition.

I love my country but we have laws built on blatant lies. Obviously it was easier to get them to admit there was shit flying in our skies that they had “no idea” what they were or where they came from. Yeah right like E.T. Doesn’t have cherry red finger up the presidents wazoo working him like Jeff Dunham working his puppets.

To lie to someone reflects a lack of respect for the others person’s intelligence (irregardless if they belive it).

I refuse to believe this is the government envisioned by the founding fathers.

The truth is universal, what is true is true always.


It most assuredly does not fit that criteria anymore! :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

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Lot of money in maintenance of the status quo for some people


You sure that’s ET finger up the presidents ass and not George Soros’ finger. Just sayin


i’m not so sure. the founding fathers weren’t all that saintly. the compromises they made in order to keep the country together enabled the division we have today. hell only one of the people at the constitutional convention wanted rights for the people. and those were tacked onto the end instead of built in. but they damned sure built racism in. could have been a touch better.


Before and after this country was founded, if you owned land, you were required to grow cannabis… it wasnt an issue at all until the logging/paper industry felt threatened and lobbied to make it all illegal in 1937.


It is because that classification has nothing to do with its actual medical or recreational qualities.


The fear is that it’ll jump to schedule 2, and all non-big-pharma growing will end.

Hard to see that being compatible with all the “recreational”/adult use laws.

Lawyers’ bonanza of green… :man_facepalming:

Could get ugly.


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Don’t forget DuPont and all the new petrochemical products they started making
And they called it marijuana instead of hemp so the public would not realize what was being banned initially

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Yup exactly what HolyAngel said. Hearst used his massive newspaper empire to villify cannabis day after day, with a racial angle. It was targeted & coordinated.

Then came Nixon when they went after all the drugs, really doubled down on what Hearst started.

John Elrichman (Nixons top Aide) shared this about the Drug War in Harpers Magazine.
“You want to know what this was really all about?” The Nixon campaign in 1968, and the Nixon White House after that, had two enemies: the antiwar left and black people. You understand what I’m saying? We knew we couldn’t make it illegal to be either against the war or black, but by getting the public to associate the hippies with marijuana and blacks with heroin, and then criminalizing both heavily, we could disrupt those communities. We could arrest their leaders, raid their homes, break up their meetings, and vilify them night after night on the evening news. Did we know we were lying about the drugs? Of course we did.”


So there’s your answer. And now on top of that as @Emeraldgreen alluded above, there’s a massive amount of $ in prisons, lawyers, rehab centers & police budgets. Not to mention protecting the profits of big pharma. Status quo = $.


Yes absolutely. I was reading about the KGB and how they created a state of constant illegality where anyone could be arrested for any reason.


This all started around 1914 I believe. Mexican and marijuana Asians and opium all racially motivated.
Hemp was a billion dollar crop in 1929


Yup @Emeraldgreen knows his stuff. Opium war came first in the U.S. in California. They tried saying opium dens ran by chinese immigrants were corrupting white women. That was the end of safe/legal opium use in the west.


Outa likes :heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart:
I used to really read up on this stuff, but it gets me so angry

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It is time to repeal the unjust cannabis laws based on lies.




Could be worse, could be UK

“Currently, the U.K. government lists cannabis as a Class B drug, carrying penalties of up to five years in prison for possession and up to 14 years for production”

In 2004 when you couldn’t get medical cannabis here, it was a Class C carrying a lower sentence.
Now we’re all agreed on the massive benefits, they’re looking to increase to Class A bringing it in line with the likes of Cocaine :joy:


We still have federal prisoners doing life for weed here.


That’s messed up

If we all chipped in, we could purchase land and create an Overgrow Town :wink: