What is that? Strange tops on cuttings

Hello fellas,

My friend has a problem for a little more than a week now and we can’t seem to figure it out. These are rooted cuttings in lightmix.


The tops look odd, very thin leaves, strange structure. Not all plants are affected, around 50% I think.

What is that?

Thanks in advance for chiming in :wave:


I wouldn’t worry too much about it…it actually looks good bromigo.


Should be fine give them time to adjust


If they are sort of contorted it can be russet or broad mites :anguished:, tell him to snap a leave and check the back with a scope, you cannot see them naked eye, hope I’m wrong but better to discard it … beer3|nullxnull


That’s my first thought as well. They love that new growth and that’s pretty much what it looked like when I had them this spring.


In my experience, sometimes more sativa looking plants with finger leaves just look off when they’re first growing. If they’re looking normal after a few days wouldn’t sweat it. Sometimes they just look like mutants.

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It could be that, or could be too much P.
Note the burnt leaf tips.

if you find no bugs, that would be my guess.

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Hey guys, thanks for the input! No russet mites, that’s for sure. :sweat_smile:

Just a heads up here.
P = Phosphorus

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I’m gonna have a look tonight, see what’s the deal today. It’s plain lightmix and they just received water as far as I know. We’ll see.

Thanks growmigos!

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As soon as I read russet mites I freaked for you lol Thank God, horrors, lil freaking horrors.