Can anybody help identify?

So I got something going on with one of my plants. I don’t know what the issue is. It’s got this weird mutation or something on all the new growth. Looked it over no bugs no creepy crawleys.
I did start a new IPM 2 weeks ago. First application was a little strong and burnt some Of the plants leaves.just a little. Some strains were more sensitive than others. Wondering , if that has something to do with this?


@George ? What u think bro?


I’d guess either fungus gnats munched the new growth and stopped or the ipm spray messed with microclimates and dried things out/affected uptake. I’d guess they grow out of it shortly. Could be over watering/pH but I’d lean the former.


What did you spray?


2 things come to mind

Heat stress or re- vegging

Both look similar

If lights are close heat will stress them out

How’s the air flow


Oil damage. Never seen it discussed but ive done it.

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Maby rubbing alcohol burn?

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I do believe so

I use iso in my sprays and have had similar responses to too strong sprays. I use 1/4 cup of 70% per gallon of water. Plus some Dr bronners baby soap


Oil damage? Interesting, I don’t know if i’ve ever heard of this

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I was doubting because when I see that curled and twisted new growth I suspect broad or russet mites, but then I read about the IPM and no bugs so just in case as they’re invisible to naked eyes I would scope the rear of suspected leaves to discard them … icon_e_confused|nullxnull



Thanks @George. I have scoped. As reported above no creepy crawleys.


Okay. now i’m leaning towards rubbing alcohol burn. droplets of IPM with to high of alcohol content must have pooled in the new growth.


-Zn -B

Or: Burn your house down and kill your priest since spiritual warfare is on the table long before obvious nutrient issues, round these parts… Bunch of pesticide salesmen…

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Thanks to everyone who offered Help and Suggestions. I will report back after a few more sets of leaves.

Edited to correct my intelligibleness

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@Papalag Excuse Wasn’t ignoring you Forgot to type out my reply. Heat stress and light stress are not the issue. within parameters on heat/humidity. I had
Not thought about fresh air flow Thanks for the suggestion. there is a clip on oscillating fan in the two foot squared tent. Pointing towards Opposite wall about 18" above canopy 1/4 power. I will increase air flow.


Did you fim it? That’s usually what the first new growth looks like after fim, as you’re chopping new growth in half.

No I did not fim. Well, not on purpose Anyways. I think I’ve done it chemically .

Lol, that sucks, im in the same boat trying ti wraps my head Around led after 20+ year’s under HID

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