What is the minimum size pot to grow an auto flower?

Hi, I haven’t been able to check on this thread for a few days. Thank you for everyone who posted I got a lots of insight and revision from the posts
I guess I’m going to take it all in and play things by ear. I think I will try and do some repotting while I am still growing inside Things Get really sunny here in Melbourne, Australia in about three months. Then I can go and grow under the big light in the sky. And Try the big pots

I’m also told that autos are more resilient to the cold ???


-sativa like all year summer,
-indica are used to finish flowering during frost,
-ruderalis aka “autos” know so much winter that they “automaticially” finish their whole life cycle in 2-3month time.

most strains are hybrids,
few are pure indica or sativa,
ruderalis is basicially a mutated sativa adapted to siberia of all places.

generally yes, autos are more resilent, but the yummy ones are hybrids too, so some are more and some less adapted to cold and hardship.

Autos also finish much faster and stay smaller. Melbourne thou has enough summer to sustain photoperiodic plants too and its more a choice of how fast and small you wanna keep it.

auto 2-4month, ~1m-1,5m, up to 200g
photo 3-10month, 1,5m-4m, up to 2kg (some rare sativas are even larger and can take years!! to finish)

There are two strains more or less native to Oz, ABC and Freakshow, absolutely mad looking plants, possibly suited to that environment, possibly more for northern parts, dunno.

can check https://en.seedfinder.eu/ to get some info about seeds you are curious about, they have hyperlinked ancestry trees.
many just grab free seeds from whatever bush bag is at hand, it prolly grew closeby somewhere and might be adapted to the enviro :wink:

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That’s good news about the autos Blackcrap I am regional Melbourne November December can be a bit cooler here.
But last year through November, December, I turned some photos manually. By bringing them inside and outside , every 12 hours of course. Works quite well.

I’m definitely going to try some autos it sounds like a whole different animal

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ye you dont need to carry autos around :wink: they dont care about light cycle, they just grow more with more light.

december cooler? than Perth? :sunglasses: yeah…

europe, north of the alps, as in “beyond the wall, whitewalkers, mammooths and ice” has no problem to grow full on photos outdoors.

If you start early spring (march/april north side) they can grow into little trees. 2m easy. cut down late autumn to winter (october to december), some dont even mind snow lol (can find some cool icy pics here on OG). :snowman:

If you live in extreme conditions the auto resilance might become important, but for Melbournish temperate climate zones id say its more a question of what your preferred workflow is, fast and tiny, or large and slow.

check whatever strain you got tho and if it says “dies in cold” then maybe get another one :stuck_out_tongue:

I prefer small plants I like to be able to move more round if I have too. And I like to keep it discreet :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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Top flight security of the whole world Craig.

Here is what I go by:
auto’s need “airy” soil (something like FoxFarms Ocean Blend)
auto’s need DEEP containers (makes it easy for taproot growth downward)
tip: use a good root stimulator (Regen-a-root) this stimulator can be used even in flower and at early growth It works have gotten double the yields with doing this --FYI and Yes ! sativa dominate plants wlll be bigger than indica dominate

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