What is your favorite light brand to use?

I have a 3x3 tent for my flower room, I’m trying to just buy a name brand light with high enough quality light to chunk up some nugs but not destroy my wallet. Currently running some T5s but looking at getting the spider farmer sf1000d or the competitor models from vivosun, Mars hydro and AC infinity


I use thrive agritech. I combination of the apex and boost series. Expensive as fuck but absolutely amazing.


Checkout Philzon and Grow Light Science lights. Grow Medic too. All seem to have good prices for what you get.


I recently bought a Medic Grow Mini Sun 2 320W light. It is a nice light, it does run hot if you run it at full power. With the code Plantis you can get it for $184.80


How hot does it make your tent? And how big is the tent? Thank you friend

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I have the light in a room in my basement. The heat sink gets hot on higher settings. It is a nice light well made and heavy. It is not a cheaply made Amazon light.

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I’m running a ChilLed X3 330watt on my veg side, and an Illuminar Ilogic8 630watt EPar on my flower side. Neither are “budget friendly” but they both rock. No heat issues anymore, and are cheaper to run than my old MH and HPS lights.
Veg side runs better at 60% than the MH at full, and Flower side produces better at 85% than my HPS.
There are less expensive lights to be had out there, but these fit my rooms perfect, and perform exactly the way I need them too.


Mars bar lights are nothing to sneeze at.

But my current favourite light is an HLG.


Seconded. HLG is quality, assembled and based State-side, if that makes a difference to you. Prices aren’t bad for what they deliver.
When my HLG 600 starts needing a replacement, or I expand anymore I’ll probably be checking out ChilLED and AC Infinity, to see where they are in comparison at the time.
All the same, I’ve only ever grown with CFL, rigged-up HPS, and this one “grown up” light board.
Stay up!


Chilled has cut back on things due to supply chain issues. Their Guardian system is off the website, and they had a killer bar light that had almost triple the LED’s. I’m quite pleased with my X3, and plants like it too. I looked at a Medic grow bar light for my flower side, but with the controller, was more than my Ilogic8.
Like I said, neither are cheap, but I like em both.

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Hlg 350R would be perfect for a 3x3


Grow light science all day. Mars bars after that. Hlg would be my 3rd choice.


GrowLightAustralia, HLG.


rayonLED , those medic grows and grow light science look pretty sweet too! HLG is a given And Mars has really hit my radar lately. But my dream setup is four big FOHSE beauties!


Mars Hydro. All day, every day. Its the only brand I use any more, I’m that satisfied.

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Spider Farmer makes a great light (IMHO).
Looking to get one more.

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Check this out. Also, search light, lights and lites :smile: