Which would you choose if you had to pick from these?

I have a few light options, and I am unsure which way I want to go. So Here are the choices, they are all cheaper off brand, If I could afford it I would go spider farmer or mars hydro, or AC Infinity, Or HGL or one of the high end brands. The light will be for a 4x4 grow tent.

The choices:


Or these 2 together


This is the one I am leaning toward.




I bought this one a couple months ago and it’s been holding up! Idk when it’ll be back in stock but it was $45

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That last light doesn’t look to bad. What’s your budget on this?

This one doesn’t look to bad either for a 4x4

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That has Serious potential, its now in the running!

I like the layout of the bloom plus best, I would think it would have great spread.


I do like the layout on it as well, but it lacks UV. I really want a light that includes UV due to the science behind what UV does.

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I suggest you purchase a name brand, even if it means delaying a bit.


I read the Amazon description and reviews on all the lights you listed. Only one lists the LED manufacturer - Sayhon lists Osram as manufacturer but no model. If they don’t tell you LED manufacturer, I would take pass. Sayhon is not an optimized layout for 4x4. I would make sure you at least have a design meant for 4x4 coverage.

What happens if the light quits after 31 days? I would verify before purchase. Buy from someone w a good track record of customer service and warranty support, it may (will) be worth the higher price.

Just a lucky chance but I picked up a Viparspectra KS5000 for $269 last Christmas. The deals are there if you can wait and watch.

Lots of good info on lights on OG.
I also found this helpful for overall light knowledge, especially the testing.

If you must buy something now, I highly recommend stress testing it for 30 days at 100% power… If you are going to have issues with the LEDs failing, 80% should fail within this window given the heat and current at 100%.


Bar light is the best light! :wink::ok_hand::+1::facepunch::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


The best thing you can buy on the cheap is a 315W CMH. Personal opinion, of course.

Avoid the sayhon. The supplemental UV bar on both mine are partially borked. Only half of it comes on.
If the hang up is you WANT UV, just get a dedicated supplemental bar from someone like AC Infinity. There foot print sucks for a 4x4. They work best in 2x4 . 3x5. Mine are now relegated for pollen chuckin.
Sayhons customer service is non existant. Does grow tasty weed tho.

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I was using the 400w szhlux in my 4x4 until I won the Spider Farmer SE1000W. it’s my back up when the SF or the Medic Grow Ez8 fail. It was doing alright, little on the warm side but decent.


I agree with the bar light recommendation. Having a consistent light field across your canopy is a game changer. Lots of good options, mine is crammed wall to wall, corner to corner.