What is your favourite silicate product?


The dicotyledons, also known as dicots (or more rarely dicotyls[2]), are one of the two groups into which all the flowering plants or angiosperms were formerly divided. The name refers to one of the typical characteristics of the group, namely that the seed has two embryonic leaves or cotyledons. There are around 200,000 species within this group.[3] The other group of flowering plants were called monocotyledons or monocots, typically having one cotyledon. Historically, these two groups formed the two divisions of the flowering plants.

I will call Harley later and ask him.


Yes, I know what a dicotyledons are, and to my knowledge cannabis emerges with two leaves - not one.

Also, cannabis taproot grows to be the ā€œmain rootā€, which is another characteristic of dicotyledons.

In monocotyledons the taproot dies after a while.

A take from the wiki:


I assumed you did, it was for anyone else who didnā€™t.


N.P.K industries just confirmed that their silica is great for marijuana! :hugging:


Thank you for this information!

A post from Growery, a shameless copypaste:


So basically, after analysing and comparing the composition of all these products, the hero component is silicon dioxide (SiO2), thatā€™s the one thatā€™s consistently present and in greater proportion in most the products!

What I donā€™t get is the pricing, even with the processing, as it is one of the most abundant minerals available on the planet!


So I see mentioned here that about 35ppm is a good strength to shoot for with potassium silicate, does that sound about right to anyone else? I just found a bottle of this I had and have never used it before.

0.2 to 0.4g a gallon would be a good starting point I think for ksil. SiO2 I believe contains around 46% silicon. Youā€™ll be adding almost the same PPM of K also.

Ortho and monosilicic acid are the only plant available form but adding Ksil or SiO2 to water breaks it down into orthosilicic acid by hydrolysis and as long as you keep the ppm of silicon below 50 it should remain stable. Power si, fasilitor etcā€¦ are a waste of money. Diluting Ksil or SiO2 to less than 50ppm is the same thing without the added bullshit.

There was a post by custom hydro on IG about fasilitor and the test showed the chloride level was about 7x that of the silicon including extra Ca, K and boron in large amounts and pretty much every other micro in smaller amounts.

I use a product called recyclesil its 99% silicon dioxide (compared to 45% for npk raw) so it contains over 40% silicon. I use it at 0.2 grams a gallon to get my silicon to just over 20ppm. No added potassium either.


Great info, thanks! Gonna try it next time I mix up a batch.

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I recently bought GROTEX Pro-Silicate, started to use it so pending to see its results. This is the composition and a warning for those who live in more developed countries ā€¦

NPK 0-0-3

3% Potassium
3.9% Silicon

WARNING! Grotek has drastically renewed his line of nutrients and has also formulated new compositions for the entire range of products, even changing the name of some of them. PRO-SILICATE (0-0-3 NPK) keeps the same name, although its composition varies slightly (0-0-4 NPK).


Based on those percentages itā€™s probably just a concentrated/stabilized form of Ksil. Honestly the price doesnā€™t seem that bad though compared to ripoff artists like power si and fasilitor (over 150usd per liter for power si and almost 500 for a liter of fasilitor for essentially the same shit)

I forgot to mention that I think silica goes in the reservoir first.


Some Silica technoā€¦

GH Armor si PPM breakdown. (ML per gallon.)


I have one question about dosing. The only product available to me has 8.5% k2o and 20% SiO2. Thatā€™s 1 / 2.4. Agsil16 has 1 / 1.6
Iā€™m new to this, so Iā€™m not sure ā€¦ On build a soil I saw a recipe for agisil16. Should I take this as a reference amount for Si02? It will have less k2o.
I will take the opportunity to ask a few more questions.
I had few indoor grows, all on synthetic fertilizers, and this time I will try a different approach.
5 liter containers, commercial organic substrate (without added fertilizers, for seedlings and young plants), organic pack Sannies (mycorisae, bacto, buffer tablets).
I also have 200x aloe powder, Diamond grow fulvic (3%), already mentioned sillica and malted barley
Are there any suggestions on the use of barley, aloe / fulvic / silica. Can anyone tell me the ratios and frequency of applications.
Diamond grow fulvic
Sannies organic kit

AgSil 16H is 24.6% silicon with some extra K. 0.4 grams per gallon will bring you to almost 25ppm of Si. Use every time you feed and donā€™t go over 50ppm Si or youā€™ll run into issues with stability. Mix this in the res first. Adding AgSil will give you silicic acid in your res without breaking the bank. Power Si and other similar products are just stabilized solutions of AgSil at much higher ppms than 50 and cost an arm and a leg.


Does Agsil precipitate if you mix it with water and then stabilize the pH? I want to start using it again, but I canā€™t deal with the drift. It drives me nuts.

I use RecycleSil but havenā€™t had that issue. pH stays pretty stable and have only had issues with precipitate when I was mixing it in the wrong order or mixing it with too small of an amount of water. To save time I used to add it straight to the water while my res was filling but thinking back that was probably my issue. If I added 40gal worth of Si02 to like 5 gal while it was still filling I almost definitely went over the 50ppm causing the precipitate. So now I wait until the entire res is full before I add the first ingredient.


More techno. Iā€™ve been following some of the advice from this write-up.

key snippetā€¦
(not sure why partial grey background.)

I just use 1ml per gallon of ArmorSi. A bit more during early veg. Being in coco, I keep an eye on the K levels.


You get drift with potassium silicate? Mine holds rock steady (but I have almost 400ppm out the tap) whatā€™s your source alkalinity like?

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Zilch, nada. Like 50ppm.

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Ah that tracks. We had about 100-ish in Denver. Pretty damn clean water. Good thing itā€™s easier to add alkalinity than remove it.

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