What is your favourite silicate product?

Pro-tekt silica


Has info on how to mix silicate https://manicbotanix.com/silicon-in-hydroponics/


I actually buy 55gal barrel of KAsil #6 to sell at my shop. Its mix ratio is .41g of Kasil #6 to 1L of water to get 50ppm of SI.


Canā€™t buy GH armor Si in Canada anymore for some reason. Out of stock at all the hydro stores in my area and online. Seems to still be available in the states?

Picking up some of the raw npk stuff to try


Grab a bottle of Pro-tekt silica from Dynagro

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Been there done that and I totally had problems with it settling and causing problems. Never had that with Armor Si and sure didnā€™t have to take hours to add it into the solution.
Now using Grotek and itā€™s working so far without any settling problems.


I might just import another gallon or two of armor Si already and take the hit on shipping. Let me know if you want any. Same province.

Bothers me that Iā€™m not going to have matching bottles :rofl:

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It looks to me like armor Si is another of many products that are just concentrated forms of ksil (potassium silicate) If you have to import anything from the USA I would recommend looking into Agsil 16h as it is much cheaper and pretty much the same thing. It will last much longer. I would have otherwise recommended recycle sil but they doubled their prices fairly recently so when I am through my massive 25lb bag Iā€™ll be switching to ksil myself for price reasons. I had to pay a ton to have it shipped to Canada but in the end it was worth it to have years of SI.

Customhydro is a great usa supplier, personally wish there was one on this side of the border. http://customhydronutrients.com/potassium-silicate-fertilizer-c-1_60_68/potassium-silicate-32-k2o-528-sio2-dry-powder-4-pounds-p-131.html


So I have tried many silica products, and nothing even comes close to Aptus facilitator. They use Silicic acid, which has immediate bioavailability for the plant. Everything else I have used is like bonemeal, you have to wait for it to break down. You can find a gallon for about 800$(2000gallons)ā€¦ I know its pricey, but the results are unbelievable! Itā€™s by far, hands down the best silica product I have used!!

Welcome to the forums. Hereā€™s a couple of things you might find interesting:

A lab test of aptus fasilitor
