What mites are these?

Good morning/afternoon/evening OG,

I’ve been dealing with these guys for a while… treated with Captain Jack’s twice and been looking around for them.
-Slow, translucent, many legs
Soil mite? Never seen webbing, never spotted a red one. Haven’t found any leaf damage.

Last grow they hung around my roots and I trashed that one mid summer. Same ones hung around my current grow’s roots before I treated. Treated, didn’t see any for ~1 1/2 weeks, before now when I spotted some on the side of my fabric pots. None around the visible roots at the top of the soil (that I saw). This leads me to believe they’re hanging around the soil bits. Maybe harmless?
Just worries me that they are slow.


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Sounds like soil mites or if the can jump, springtails…
They are harmless decomposers. Indoors their population can get ‘out of control’ without a predator to keep them in check but still basically harmless.



Thank you very much!!!