Been looking around on Amazon to upgrade to a small weighing scale that’s reliable and won’t break the bank! Was wondering what members here use that works for them that would have no problem making a recommendation
Also would like to know if your scale can be recalibrate if need be with precision weights?
I got a small scale and calibration weight of ebay for very little, I mainly use it for grams but it do 0.1 gram.
But that can also be 0.19, so it’s only good for grams,
If your looking for lab scales, going under grams, messuring less then 100mg.
I would not buy anything cheap!
An argument for .01g increments or better
Regular .1g increment scales are really only accurate to within a quarter gram or so, and if you’re paying $20/gram or $60+ for a gram of dabs, the difference between a .9 and 1.1 is significant.
Call me crazy, but I dream of owning one of them .002g accuracy.
I used to have two lab scales, a 10 mg and 1 mg interval scale. When I had my lab, and messured chemicals.
But when you get that accurat, your weiging in a glass cabinet. Your scale have to be 100% level, and if it’s digital you need to calibrate often.
Look for diamond weighing scales, you can get some fairly cheap with a “flip top” to block of air movement during the weighing.
I reload my own ammo, so I’ve been use a digital powder scale. It measures in carots, grains, grams & oz. Only drawback is low capacity @ 4 oz., but can be had for $40.
Correct me if I’m wrong, I assume those scales are generally considered accurate to around 1/10th or maybe 2/10ths of a grain? That would equate to .006g or 0.013g.
i have a MyWeight PalmScale 5, they have 8’s out now, and ive had mine for about 6-8 years and has been great in that time.
The 200-300g ones are the one you want as it has a 0.01g accuracy vs the bigger 700-800g ones that have a 0.1g accuracy and good luck trying to fit that much on anyways.