When do you choose to breed (F2, F3, F4, F5 +)?

So, how far along do you go (F2, F3, F4, F5 +) before you have a breeding male or female? I understand the further you inbreed the better. An F6 might not be the best plant for smoke or even a good growing plant (loss of vigor) but it will be a good breeding plant (for true F1 when paired with another inbreed, or semi F1 when paired with a hybrid)

i guess it all depends with what you start with, i know. but on average by experience, those who breed in here, how far along do you go? and also, if you just cross willy nilly, its also interesting to hear your thoughts.

(i know breeding and choosing has been asked, i didnt find any thread with this angle)


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Love the concise explanation and the technique :+1::+1:


Excellent strategy :100:


Not a breeder of any repute, but I’m very intent on going from F3->F6 with the Red Cherry Berry I have & then it’ll be deep-chunk-stable. Boring to some, but stable. :laughing: Station wagon versus Ferrari. We need both. Or I do. :roll_eyes:

Then I’d assume we’re working with polyhybrid unstable stuff.

2 very different super stable parents gave me 50/50 super vigorous babies. Way cooler, IMO. :sweat_smile:

:evergreen_tree: not your role model :tm:


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I’m aiming for f6’s in my breeding projects going forward for that exact reason but for now I might indulge in some BX and F3 chucks for fun


thank you all! seems F3 is an average “first stop” - makes sense.

this will be a good starting point to mess around with.


Tend to not go beyond 3/4 myself. I love getting to the 3rd filial gen as usually I can see if you are on the right path, then the f4 everything Will usually start to be very uniform. Like with an IBL imho the 4th gen is the sweet spot if you’ve done proper work and due diligence.


F2 is where the treasure hunt is…

Can find much more outlier phenos than the F1’s.


Ok, I’ve just been lurking…
But, someone want to tell me the best way to pheno hunt an autoflower, how to go about pollination, and attempt to lock in desired traits?


It’s true that F2’s are the place to find the stand out, but it’s then a lot of work to hopefully make it so that the plant consistently grows true to type, I’ve grown many F2’s of stuff like bhodi’s gear but to work backwards to recreate something that will breed true to the original F1 is almost impossible and I rarely can be bothered with it these days. I prefer now to use stock that has previously been selected and worked and either inbreed a little more or if already stable to then create F1’s from there. It’s entirely possible, and even likely that inbreeding from an f2 crapshoot will result in plants that are not as good as the original F1’s.

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Thank you for that response.
I kinda figured that it would just take a huge round of pollination to a huge round of plants to see what sticks. Then hopefully getting it to happen twice and cross those two.
Or I could work the self’d line…
Kinda like a blind man throwing darts at a dartboard, lol.


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If you suggest “breeding material” as the P1 of something singular, no rules and not even constant stats. I get what i get, whenever it happens. The generation mostly decide how i will deal on the long term with the said reference, not the reverse.

Just no. If you fail a selection, the further, the worse ^^

It’s not the generation that make the weed, but you. If you decide to increase each generation the cloning speed, of course the smoke is ignored in selection. And of course it will not be the best plant to smoke. But the best line to clone ^^

Again, it depend on the selection. If you choose each generation the best weed in the less vigorous specimens … you can expect an impact. If you kill everything lazy, then select the best weed from it … the perspective is changing.

Not necessary too, this trendy “F6 or nothing” doesn’t have any rational root. A good breeding material is just a good tool to use for a specific usage. I should add “reliable” to play Captain Obvious.

There is no true or false F1. But heterosis ON or heterosis OFF.

Semi-F1 don’t exist. You can end with a F1 with all combinations you’re able to imagine : IBL x hybrid, polyhybrid x polyhybrid, dihybrid x backcross …

It take a good decade of practice to understand it rightly in general, in all the depth of the sentence. But it’s a true golden rule for one time ^^

And it’s not even an obligation, there is successfully breeders outputting decent weeds that still continue to select their plants like they selected a motherplant as grower for their stash. If the long term isn’t a goal, i don’t see any problem with it.

The most i can, but it’s a personal pleasure and a philosophy.

I never blend randomly just by inspiration, it’s always to test something. But this kind of line that exist just to be discovered is also a great source of pleasure.

I think that it’s more easy in breeding to transform a reliable locomotive in a Formula One (without breaking anything) than the reverse ^^

I dislike equally the “golden ticket F6” and the “polyhybridism is satan”. Most of the old pillars (not so numerous) of our weeds are polys.

We all known that we are talking about random chunks, never-ending F1 and catalogs using only one male for years among dozen of strains ^^ But this taboo is bad for everyone seriously, and is absolutely not linked by the wideness of the pedigree, then poly-hybrids themselves directly or indirectly.

Hell no, and it pushed me to comment finally ^^

Still my favorite “sifting” generation too, to start something (IBL or not). But in 90’s/early 2000’s ^^
Today F2s are more the start of a cleaning shore than anything else.


What @Fuel said :point_up_2:t2: He’s the man to talk to about this kind of breeding in cannabis.

Pz :v:t2:


It’s nice to see people are interested in breeding. This is no longer a similar topic in a few days.
However, I would not have such topics if people realized that each breeding project begins with the setting of a “specific goal”.
Therefore, the figure after “F” does not matter. You may have achieved your goal in F3, but may not be achieved in F15.
Sometimes the desired trait is manifested in F4, but disappears in F5 and further.
Also, it should be understood that the wrong choice of any of the stages leads to false results and returning back to generation.
But all this is spinning around a specific goal - “What plant do you want to get”?
If you drive the question: “And what will get, if?”, In this case, at the stage F4 you can get seeds - feed for the polls, and the plants - feed for cattle. And maybe not.

To consolidate the desired goals is BX, it is easier.

Also, S1 is a very undervalued technique for diluted, which can also be returned to a regular form. At the same time, having the opportunity of tremendous choice without the introduction of foreign genes.

Separately a few words per auto.
When combining automatic and not auto, the first 100 % result of the auto will be obtained in F4 from 50 % of the desired other characteristics. In F8, we get a more stable plant with the necessary signs. Therefore, the selection of auto and not auto differ significantly. Although they show how the selection of the desired trait in generations occurs.