When to harvest autos

yes you or correct-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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chlorophyll and photosynthesis is what causes plants to be able to breakdown sunlight into foodā€¦

is the last couple posts saying that red maples and ornamental trees and bushes that arenā€™t green have no chlorophyll?

then how do those PLANTS grow?

Iā€™m not having a goā€¦ I just think itā€™s an interesting topic for a grow forumā€¦ do all plants have chlorophyll and chloroplasts? ummmā€¦ really? lol

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but weā€™re getting off track hahaha

harvest your plants when the trichome colors for your taste preferences lol

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It seems your right. Plants that are not green also have chlorophyll in them just not as much as a green plant does.
Some parasitic plants have no chlorophyll in them at all. They steal the products of photosynthesis from there green neighbours.
Interesting read - Hunker: Inspired Home Design, Gardening Tips, and DIY Improvements


This is an interesting artical about just that. Particularly this quote.


Yeah itā€™s a really interesting article. Itā€™s says in the article that the green we see on the plants is the plants reflecting back the green spectrum. Nice find ReikoX

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(kick me to the right thread if iā€™m off :wink: )

ā€¦whatā€™s the biggest container size possibly needed for an aut-flowering plantā€¦? anyone?

Sparkleā€™s Ark has a chance to jump from the solo-cup for a transplant but iā€™d like to settle them into a final home. :pray:


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11 litre pots supposedly if in soil. My hydro white widow auto would say otherwise though. Iā€™d struggle to get them to fit in a 20 litre pot.
The unwritten rule is a gallon for each month of its life.


2-3 gallons are what I usually suggest.


thanks @Esrgood4u @ReikoX :smile:

you just stopped them from going into 9gallon containers! :wink:

hehe :evergreen_tree:



I ran my autos in 5Gal smart pots, they went 90-100 days from germ, collected a little over 11 oz from 3 plants


Thanks. :slight_smile:

because of my containers being tied up with other plants, iā€™m debating between using a 3gal & a 5gal pot(diy-aero) or some white plastic polyethlene sandbags that i have which are about 3gal when used as a grow-bag. they breathe more than the pot, but they donā€™t hold shape as wellā€¦seems like when they are packed denser they hold up better.

since my indoor tent is lit 20/4, iā€™m tempted to keep them inside, but my lighting is weak. outdoors, my environment is blazing hot & dry & needs 50% shadecloth(lighting is not weak :sunny:), but less hours/day. it seems to me outside is better this go around. :thinking:



What kind of soil do you use? I will never grow autos without controlled feedings. When preflower starts in autos if you keep them on a higher N ā€œVegā€ feed they will stay in preflower and stretch to normal size. Outdoor in the ground I have never gotten more than about 15" before flower sets in. They never produce as much outdoors for me. Autos for me are all about indoor, controlled feed, and extended light time to get any decent yeild.

But Iā€™m not an expert with autos, just stayed at a holiday Inn express last night. :slight_smile:


Interesting, I may have to try this sonetimeā€¦

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here are some shots of mine at 38 days
first two are double potted in 3gal fabricā€¦ one is 28" the other at 26.5" and some close ups

first time auto grow and Iā€™m super impressedā€¦ even the 16oz pots are fabulous at 20" and 14"

i donā€™t know thoughā€¦ lol just my .02 haha