Who has an electric pre built dry cabinet

7/7 sounds more reasonable to me maybe even 7/10. Ultimately it’s about the quality being increased by the absolute control of the slope of the dry and cure without fluctuating conditions. For me there isn’t a hurry, that is just the gravy.


My last 2 batches I dropped the temp and dew point down from defaults. Running 63 degrees and 48 dewpoint (58% humidity) and for me, I like it better. Still ran a 4/4 on 1 batch and came out great, but this last run, it has been sitting for close to 90 days on “hold”. After 4/4 it was tasty and good, but, it’s one of those strains that has just gotten better and better the longer it’s sat in there. It has completely changed the terp profile, and stoniness, it’s way tastier and more potent, what was a joint between 2 people is now 1/2 a joint and it’s full on eye fire. My eyes haven’t gotten this bloodshot from smoking in a long time.
The “naysayers” are yet to still show me how a wine fridge or any DIY built contraption can do what the Cannatrol does, because they are still experimenting trying to get it right while those of us who have one, are filling it and hitting the start button.
I love my wife to the moon and back and am thankful that she beat me to it and bought one for me, she is an amazing woman and understands that other than my 2 Classic cars, growing is the only other hobby that I have, and supports me in gaining equipment to make life a little easier for harvest time.
People scoffed at me in 2021 when I bought my Centurion Tabletop trimmer, all I heard was “it destroys trichomes” “it beats the buds up” “it’s a waste of money”, then, those same people are sitting on my porch with bags full of buds, “can we run this thru your trimmer, otherwise it’s going to take me weeks to get it done” and walla, what I run in a couple hours would have taken them weeks to trim.
Some people want to hang on to the “old ways” and I get it, been there.
Now as I get older, technology has helped me save my hands, back and legs during harvest, and the cool cure has helped produce the best tasting smoke at the touch of a button.
To quote @Terpsnpurps ”I’ll take the Pepsi challenge any day of the week”


Well mine showed up yesterday and its really well built and looks nice enough to sit anywhere in the home. I got the blacked out glass.Got it plugged in and running a 5 day dry and 10 day cure cycle just to see it run through the paces.

And yeah Im SURE I could build on just as nice using bailing wire, paper clips and shoestrings to showcase my mad skills :rofl: :rofl: :wink: :wink:.
Seriously Im sure if someone who was able to make the cabinet and install they correct components maybe could get some decent results but that would depend on who did it. And the selection of the correct parts, but I think the controller they provide is programmed with possibly proprietary software that would for sure separate the home-built versions from the real one. Its the same logic for me that makes it easier to buy the right tool for the right situation. But good luck to the person or persons who takes the challenge.


Also it comes with a coupon with a one time code for $75 off they say can be used by anyone or buy another for yourself.
Anyone who wants the code PM me and please dont ask unless your really going to use it in the near future. Hate to see it go to waste, I have no idea if you can piggy back it with the military discount or not and you would have to ask them.


Your dead right on! Progress is good .

The Cannatrol obviously works , and works pretty well it appears. If it met my needs I would have one too .

Peace of mind is priceless


:sweat_smile: …so… is that positive pressure or negative? negative seems logical to me for wicking out moisture… but positive will tend to equalize the moisture throughout the vessel. :thinking:

Ziplocs are just lame but that’s where I’m at right now :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


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That an interesting thought. It’s kinda hard to say. I would tend to believe a bit of positive pressure. Not enough to blow the door open or anything, but it does equalize the dewpoint as was explained in one of their videos.
On one of my FB groups, an engineer from Cannatrol was explaining that after your “dry” run, once it hits your target dewpoint, moisture has been equalized and the “curing” process takes over, if that’s makes any sense. A little blurry eyes and over smoked at the moment, LOL


That makes perfect sense :grin:

I’m not sure what 1.0 VPD equals but a lower number implies less ‘deficit’ which would imply ‘less dry’ than :sweat_smile:


Can you ask him if increasing dry and cure days to like 5 dry and 10 cure days have been investigated and if so any results ?? Im still curious about that part. Extending the days I would think helps but depends on what their testing shows.

After seeing how well my new " cure cab" works, and the hassle it just removed concerning storage, i want the same on my dry cab.

The “dry room” worked GREAT. It was a waste of energy however, and 4 dry’s using that room would cost me the equivalent of the Cannatrol…so…i bit the bullett.

Now gotta figure out how to stagger my dry’s


Hope you will provide guidance @Kgrim


@Jetdro congratulations!!! So, in light of the “issue” you have concerning harvest size and stagger, you could try just a 4 day dry then remove for “curing”. I’ll have to see if I can copy what one of the engineers stated on a FB group, but basically, it’s reached “stability” at day 4. So, you could run a 4 day dry and cure in another fashion possibly???


I’m here to help in any way I can @Jetdro

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in the Grove Bag’s in my new Cooler , that could work me thinks

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You’ll see that by the 4th day, you won’t have to empty the condensate tray. I have typically emptied once a day, then after the 4th day, not much goes in.


Ed just told me go 5 days, then Grove and into my “cooler” will work a charm :smiley:


NICE!!! Sounds like a plan



After paying for the Cannatrol and using for ~8 months, would you still choose it?
How about if you had a smaller quantity requirement?
I’m in the decision phase and think you were on the correct path with the automated controls.

My thinking - Inkbird, variable inline fan and carbon filter, evap humidifier, airtight enclosure.
I maintain 70F in the house w hvac.

Always appreciate your thoughts.

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Could not pay me to go back to a control room dry. I like RONCO

IF you buy one, hit me up for PROPER settings, default settings will 100% DESTROY your bud

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I’ve been following your progress and saw you came up with best fit settings on the unit.

Thanks for the quick response!

It is just a little too much for my wallet right now :wink:

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