Who has an electric pre built dry cabinet

I’ve been checking the website out. Thing looks sweet.

When you hit HOLD I’m assuming the thing basically becomes a humidor?

I would say a well controlled humidor.
The dry/cure phase, it takes the starting temperature/dewpoint of your buds and slopes it down over the course of however many days you’ve set it to run. Once it hits the “hold” stage, it will keep a constant temp/humidity to whatever you’ve set it for.


So how did it turn out ??

So got a few pics to share for results??

As soon as I can get my ducks lined up Im going to take a stab at using those codes. Will let you know when Im there. $150 off will take care of shipping and a bit more. Thanks for the heads up.

I got an email that the smotpoker code is no longer valid. The military discount is. Going to figure out how to get the vitrifaction part done and I can use the military discount thing elsewhere. I never pursued it much but lots of places offer the discount usually 10%.


I just went online, filled out the forms, and they sent me mine pretty quick. I’ve gotten the “Veteran” designation on my drivers license, and use it quite often, a lot of places don’t advertise or post that they offer a Veteran’s discount. I ask all the time, and most places give me 10-15% off.

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I just talked to the county VA office and they sent a eVetRecs submission for me and I have a request number. She said it should go pretty smooth but takes a few days maybe a bit more. I cant find my DD 214 I did have. Pretty stupid of me to lose track of it. I got a email and a link to finish up I hope.

I won’t know until autumn, closer to harvest. I will let you know, then.

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Well I went ahead and ordered on this morning. Got my DD 214 all squared away and did get the $100 discount. I also ordered one of these to put inside to monitor conditions to cross check for accuracy.

This one also has a VPD function which I found a nice touch.
I will be a few months until I can use it since Im just starting my next/current grow. But Im going to play around with it to check it out and be familiar with the operation.
I considered starting a new topic simply called Cannatrol since there is info on this kind of shotgunned over a number of threads and it would be nice to have it all in one place.


Well so long as I’m waiting to have one delivered and actually get to use it I came across this vid. Pretty informative and makes the decision to buy easier to justify. Factory tour. My wife even said it looks really nice. But she never has to help chop and trim.


ive read everything written about the thing, if your harvest fits in the thing, you will be golden. Too many good reviews. Id already have one but its just too small for me


Buy two !! :laughing:

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Nope ordered a few rain birds , Wi-Fi VPD meter, and a Wi-Fi controlled fan .

Gonna use my upstairs bedroom .all controlled from my phone :sunglasses: well that’s the plan anyways

All in was fraction of the cost , tiny more than just shipping on the unit , and they refuse to free ship.


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I have my Cannatrol set for a one week dry and a one week cure. How are other Cannatrol users handling it when you have say some plants ready at 9 weeks and some at 10? Would it be really bad to add the second batch of plants at the end of the dry cycle and then extend the dry cycle by a week?

Week 1: add 3 plants in dry cycle
Week 2: add 3 more plants, and restart dry cycle
Week 3: run cure cycle with 6 plants

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Cannatrol advises not to add any once the cycle has started.
I’ve had great success with just a 4 day dry 4 day cure then into grove bags. You could cut your cycle time down, and just wait a couple days for your other plant to finish?


Yeah, I know Cannatrol says no, but I was hoping someone here might have found differently. I may try your suggestion for going to 4/4, thanks. I did that with my first crop and I found that the buds were a little too wet to go right into jars, so I had to periodically burp the jars for a day or so. After that, I switched to 7/7 and lowered the RH and have gotten great results since. So I’m a bit hesitant to change and risk a crop. Groove bags would probably help since the breath, but I like jars and am not ready to switch.

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So once you put them in grove bags or maybe jars it’s all done and good to smoke ?? That’s the part I have trouble wrapping my head around after being used to cure for 4 weeks at least. And this way it’s all accelerated this much. Crazy.

Yes sir. After cycle is finished, I put the run into Grove bags. It comes out of the Cannatrol ready to smoke and burns nicely.