Will 420 ever become a nationally recognized holiday? If so, when?

What do you think? Asking for a friend.

I say 37 years. Huge marketing potential.

Maybe a state holiday.


I didn’t think about the state level. Which state is first?

Never. The whole Hitlers Birthday and Columbine anniversary kind of fuck it up for those purposes imo.


Crap - I never considered that

Ever is a long time… but I doubt it’ll happen while most of us are alive, if ever. It’s taken 28 years to get from the first medical programs to recreational being widely legalized, and still isn’t even federally legal, much less a national holiday. Personally, I’d be happy just to have growing a single plant, much less a decent garden, not be a felony anymore. :roll_eyes:


Couldn’t agree more

Fuck, I forgot about all that. Gonna have to add a little extra to this morning’s bowl to make up for it

Why do u know his birthday, I didn’t even know his birthday until u mentioned it and I looked it up.

I believe it would come down to what most people would take it as and that would be for the weed culture.

You have a good point. Surely bad things have happened on December 25th.

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Christmas drives commerce.

I mean this in the most sincere way possible. I don’t need, or want, the government to tell me what is and isn’t a holiday.


That’s right!

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