Will small grow invite mold into my home?

Thinking about finally getting the last few things I need to get my indoor grow going

Hey everyone, as the title says, i think i may finally finish setting everything up only thing i am wondering I’ve been hearing mixed views if i have a small indoor canabis grow is it true it will mold and rott my home? Been looking online and seeing answers both ways and a co worker is telling me its bad for my house… Any experts here that truly know? I am thinking if i vent outdoors i should be fine but don’t know for sure…


I wouldn’t worry too much about it, especially for a very small space.

I don’t vent my tent to the outside - I vent it into the same room the tent is in.

If you were planning a huge jungle you might have issues. But for a tiny one, no big deal.


If you care about humidity, you should vent all air outside… I don’t see any other issues. Best option is to prepare your grow room with separate intake of fresh air and dedicated exhaust.


Your house isn’t going to mold and fall down after one or a couple of grows , and if then humidity levels are too high for your liking , then just buy a secondhand dehumidifier : )


Never had any problems with mould except when I was dumb enough to not put my pots in trays hahaha. Just keep your area clean and tidy and you should be fine.

Edit: little caption from Googling

Mold is a fungus that feeds off of dead or dying organic matter, and can be destructive to your health and food quality. Mold will grow best in damp, dark and cool conditions, but can also grow in warmer temperatures as well. Mold grows best between 55 to 70 degrees Celsius.


People who say your house will mould up are people who dont grow weed. As said above, if you’ve got the Amazon rainforest growing in your basement, yeah, humidity will be an issue. A small grow will increase the humidity in your entire home maybe 1%…if that.

I have a/an 1100 sq/ft house (1.5 stories)…I grow in a 2’ x 5’ x 7’ basement closet…did dwc multiple times, currently doing an 18x 1 gallon sog. House humidity doesnt go up a notch besides in my closet.


Thanks guys i will be in my basement which has a dehumidifier already running and i do have the option to vent it outdoors.


Venting outdoors really is the best option. If I had the choice, I would, but it’s not practical for me and this works just fine.

Shit…you’re set then! Light it up, man!!! Best of luck!!..you gonna do a journal when you’re up and running? Any idea of strains or method of growing?


I live in an old farmhouse with poor insulation. I had a plumbing issue and found a small area of black mold . It didn’t affect any indoor , I’m worried because I’d like to grown some psylocibin hehe . I know that can contaminate the spores . Any thoughts would be appreciated, I’d hate to waste anytime …


Humidity definitely increases in my basement with a 4’x8’ growing area. Not tropical, but you can feel it in the summer. In winter, you barely notice, since the ambient air in your house is so dry from heating. My plants drink 2-4 gallons a day depending on a few factors, that’s a good amount of humidification. The plants like a bit higher humidity, it’s good for them until you start hitting 75%+.

If you aren’t blowing out your basement with multiple lights, you’ll be fine. If you’re running a big enough grow for multiple lights, a dehumidifier is part and parcel of a larger grow.

For a small grow, don’t worry about it.


I will definitely make a indoor grow thread and hopefully it will be more organized than my outdoor. I’m planning fairly small 2 to 4 plants max and I’m gonna tie them down so won’t need alot of height.


Mine is barely 5 feet high and isn’t finished . A gravel floor . Wonder how this would work for a run ? Hot water heater and a lot of exposed pipes . Not insulated too well either . I’ve often thought about it…

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Grow broadleafs that don’t stretch much. My basement is about 6.5’, only tropical narrowleaf plants give me grief.


Solid info . I’ve avoided the basement unless I’m in a spot with a finished one . I just got Lazy Dog beans , Chem/91 Skelly Hp from Crickets and Cicadas seeds . Graham said they’re stocky shrub type , perfect candidate .


@MBVapester grows in a space with low ceilings and I believe a gravel floor as well…he is able to fit a couple 315cmh’s, pots and plants in something like 5’ of space, floor to ceiling.

Height isn’t an issue for me, but rather the small footprint…long leggy plants take up too much room. I’m currently stocking up on pure indica or indica dominant strains…fat main bud, fast flower time, short height, knockout stone…win, win, win, win.


Even better really. No drain needed with a pure gravel floor!

Air cooled 600’s you can get within 6" of the bulb, easy to work with in tight overhead space.

A lot of shrubby plants barely stretch at all. I’ve had stuff “flower in place”, stretch maybe 50% at the most.


So to tent or not to tent ? I have an air cooled Gavitas 1000w … More than peaked my interest hehe . Ever see what a god does when he hears a strange sound? Lol :joy:

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Feck dog not god . Fat thumbs and 73 bag fm …Oops . No offense god :joy:

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It can be done with air cooling and short plants. I run lights closer than most.

If you need some extra space, and your water table isn’t too high, you can dig down a foot or so of that gravel to free up some headroom. 6’ instead of 5’ is 20% more room.

Oh I know what you mean. Little radar ears prick up.