Will small grow invite mold into my home?

I would just build a makeshift frame with 2x4’s and wrap it up with black and white poly…easy to expand or downsize…and cheap


This is where I’m at now i been looking and by the time i buy mylar and zippers i could order a tent for a few bucks more and build time will be quicker and easier to take down and set up

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True enough…I wouldn’t mess with zippers and all this…that velcro tape does the trick…handful of screws, 2x4’s, panda wrap and a staple gun…cost me around $60-$80 to set up my first 10’x10’. But that was before tents were so cheap and readily available.


If you have gravel you got dirt under that gravel…I would try pulling back some gravel and try to plant one in the dirt it might not be ideal but I would have to give it a go just once lol


I suspect that most of the tales of houses being destroyed or damaged, is because of the wanton disregard displayed by growers that rent houses for commercial grows.
They do not own and respect the property, so they do not implement any protective
Regardless, you have nothing to worry about with a small grow.
Good luck, and have fun.


Lol… @Calyxander
Not sure if you meant “wonton” or not…but lots of the asian crime ring growers around here dont even fuck with pots…straight up throw 2 feet of soil everywhere in the basement and go to town…you wanna fuck up a house, take a page out of their playbook…lol


This exactly. The major objections from non-growers:

-mould will destroy the house
-leaking hydro water will destroy the house
-the smell will destroy the house.
-the electric bill will alert LEO and destroy the house.

It’s funny because black mold is not conducive to a successful grow at all.


No I meant wanton:
wanton[ won-tn ]

  1. done, shown, used, etc., maliciously or unjustifiably:
    a wanton attack; wanton cruelty.
  2. deliberate and without motive or provocation; uncalled-for; headstrong; willful:
    Why jeopardize your career in such a wanton way?
  3. without regard for what is right, just, humane, etc.; careless; reckless:
    a wanton attacker of religious convictions.

What Is Wanton Disregard?
Wanton disregard is a legal term that denotes an individual’s extreme lack of care for the well-being or rights of another individual.

It is most commonly used in an insurance context involving negligence to describe reckless behavior that has led to damages or injury. Wanton disregard is a serious accusation that indicates that a person behaved extremely recklessly.


First off I really appreciate everyone’s knowledge and all the great help… Love this group was so happy to find it’s been going again(I’m a old member from old OG)
I am piecing together a set up and i am 98% decided on the tent

It has mixed reviews but for the most part it more good reviews, what does everyone think of this tent? The size is perfect for what i want.
Also what size fan should i go with 4" or 6"? I definitely want a fan with speed control.
I am also going to pick up another light and prefer LED so also looking for some opinions on lighting.


I looked at that tent when I was shopping. For me the deal breaker was the 5’ height. I usually end up with 3’ tall plants. Factor in the height of the pot and light clearance and you run out of room very quickly. There’s no rule that says you must grow 3 footers, but for my needs I absolutely had to have the 6’

You’d be just fine with a 4” provided it’s not a duct booster fan.

LEDs - that’s a big one. I would start with how much money do you want to spend?


The height isn’t a issue for me I’ve always tied my plants down…
What do you mean by a duct booster fan?
And as far as lighting goes with LED i want something budget friendly but still decent quality I’d prefer to keep it in the $200 range if possible.

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Ok inline duct fan is what you mean. That is what i am looking at

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Correct. I ventilate my veg space with a booster fan (20”x30”) but I wouldn’t trust it to pull through a carbon filter, if you plan to use one.

I run my inline fan in a 2x4x6 at the low setting (controller) and it pulls through the filter and vents the space well.

LED - at that price point it might be worthwhile considering a DIY bridgelux EB. There are other options but that might serve you well.


The more you know… :rainbow:

When I was growing in a rental property, I was never wanton…

Correct usage?

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I was thinking something like this for a fan either 4" or 6"

My basement has the old pop out windows so i’m going to pop one out and build a frame with wood so i can run a exhaust vent and intake, thing i am wondering is in eastern Canada during winter it’s cold should i be sucking -20c air into a grow?
And as you can see my neighbor is close which is my reason for the carbon filter.


Sorry for the late reply but just spent 15 hours in trim jail and might be as much tomorrow.
Yes mine varies from about 4 1/2’ to 5 1/2’ and works. Because my floor was uneven I built my own tents. What I did was buy some 1x2 strips because a pile of them were 75% off at Home Depot and then bought a roll of panda film and build 2 tents basically that goe from gravel to joists to maximize the height.
Looked for some pics but must have downloaded them off the phone but found this of the end where I made a platform to put my 45 gallon barrels that keep the reservoir filled that is partly under the platform.
I was very limited for space.

And here is one I found of the inside showing how I even used the space between the joists so the lights could get a bit higher and run my air intake from the end as well.