Win BudBusterPro Starter Kit [Closed]

Welcome to @BudBusterPro overgrow420 Raffle!

About BudBusterPro

BudBusterPro…. ANOTHER fertilizer?

BudBusterPro is not really in the nutrient class. It does of course have a nutrient value of 1-1-20, however when you’re applying 3ml of concentrate in 8 oz water, it’s a pretty insignificant contribution! BudBusterPro is specifically designed to increase your bud yield 20-40%, and has NO plant growth regulators.

Its unique properties accelerate both the metabolism of your plants and efficiency of your nutrients. Exceptional results manifest themselves not only in more bud, but also robust growth with minimal chances of nutrient ‘lockout’.

Through multiple grows the formulation was modified and optimized for cannabis specific performance.

We spent a lot of time and effort concentrating our product. This process resulted in assuring maximum stability and shelf life as well as the best value for our growers. At 11.36 lbs per gallon, we doubt you will find an equivalent offering in the cannabis market.




There will be ten winners!

1 - 10. 4oz BudBusterPro incl. free delivery *

*) Delivery is provided only to :us:

:warning: :mailbox_closed:

  • Free delivery US :us:.
  • You need to provide us with US shipping address to qualify for free delivery.

How to participate?

Just post in this topic.

How this overgrow420 raffle works?

Every participant will get a raffle ticket. The raffle will be open for attendance until 2022-04-23T21:59:00Z. On Sunday 24th April, we will do real-time draw of the raffle tickets on our Discord channel. We will use Discord bot to draw the prizes with guaranteed fairness. We will draw ten winners of this giveaway. A single participant can win only one prize.

Entry Rules:

  1. Minimum Overgrow “Member” status (trust level 2) to participate.
  2. Limited to one registered entry per member.
  3. One bonus ticket if user is a Supporter at the time of the draw (stacks).
  4. One bonus ticket if user is a Regular at the time of the draw (stacks).### How this overgrow420 raffle works?

Every participant will get a raffle ticket. This topic will be open for attendance until 2022-04-23T21:59:00Z. The raffle draw will happen 2022-04-24T19:00:00Z on our Discord channel. We will use Discord bot to draw the prizes with guaranteed fairness. We will draw three winners of this giveaway. Single participant can win only one prize.

Entry Rules:

  1. Minimum Overgrow “Member” status (trust level 2) to participate.
  2. Limited to one registered entry per member.
  3. One bonus ticket if user is a Supporter at the time of the draw (stacks).
  4. One bonus ticket if user is a Regular at the time of the draw (stacks).


1 Pawsfodocaws
2 Pawsfodocaws (+1 regular)
3 Pawsfodocaws (+1 supporter)
4 Esrgood4u
5 Esrgood4u (+1 regular)
6 Esrgood4u (+1 supporter)
7 potpotpot
8 Kushking902
9 Kushking902 (+1 regular)
10 Kushking902 (+1 supporter)
11 DougDawson
12 DougDawson (+1 regular)
13 DougDawson (+1 supporter)
14 tresbundles
15 Pigeonman
16 Pigeonman (+1 regular)
17 Pigeonman (+1 supporter)
18 Floyd
19 Floyd (+1 regular)
20 Floyd (+1 supporter)
21 Tejas
22 Tejas (+1 regular)
23 Purple-N-Hairy
24 Purple-N-Hairy (+1 regular)
25 chronix
26 chronix (+1 regular)
27 chronix (+1 supporter)
28 Judsbuds
29 bassman5420
30 bassman5420 (+1 regular)
31 bassman5420 (+1 supporter)
32 JohnnyPotseed
33 JohnnyPotseed (+1 supporter)
34 jessethestoner
35 jessethestoner (+1 regular)
36 middleman
37 middleman (+1 regular)
38 justdrew
39 justdrew (+1 regular)
40 thecrazster
41 Grease_Monkey
42 Tao
43 Tao (+1 supporter)
44 Garden-Buddy
45 Garden-Buddy (+1 regular)
46 herojuana.tom
47 JaxxMunster
48 Alaskagrown
49 Alaskagrown (+1 regular)
50 Emeraldgreen
51 Emeraldgreen (+1 regular)
52 SEMOActivist
53 BigMike55
54 BigMike55 (+1 supporter)
55 503BudMan
56 Zanzibar
57 Slick1
58 Meesh
59 Meesh (+1 regular)
60 Meesh (+1 supporter)
61 Nagel420
62 Nagel420 (+1 regular)
63 Gizmo
64 TopShelfTrees1
65 TopShelfTrees1 (+1 regular)
66 VAkish
67 VAkish (+1 regular)
68 Habibi
69 Longtooth
70 Longtooth (+1 regular)
71 Longtooth (+1 supporter)
72 AceHigh
73 AceHigh (+1 regular)
74 OldGator
75 OldGator (+1 supporter)
76 Astrodude
77 Astrodude (+1 regular)
78 joecool
79 Orison
80 Bobgrows
81 AzSeaindooin420
82 AzSeaindooin420 (+1 regular)
83 Enjoi802
84 Enjoi802 (+1 regular)
85 Enjoi802 (+1 supporter)
86 PetalPowerseed
87 PetalPowerseed (+1 regular)
88 Oldtimerunderground
89 Oldtimerunderground (+1 regular)
90 Qtip
91 Qtip (+1 regular)
92 Pluckyevil
93 Pluckyevil (+1 regular)
94 Pluckyevil (+1 supporter)
95 Jango
96 Jango (+1 regular)
97 OriginalDankmaster96
98 VPDisKey
99 highminwin
100 Carty
101 wny61
102 SerialSquishy
103 Oldjoints
104 Oldjoints (+1 regular)
105 Hydro921
106 Hydro921 (+1 regular)
107 Stankonia
108 Stankonia (+1 regular)
109 Stankonia (+1 supporter)
110 anonymous4289
111 anonymous4289 (+1 regular)
112 Themouse1967
113 Mdjammer
114 Greenfingers
115 Greenfingers (+1 regular)
116 Greenfingers (+1 supporter)
117 morecatslesspeople
118 YoBigdaddy
119 hawkman
120 hawkman (+1 supporter)
121 Green_Light
122 Sincitytoker
123 Crazy1
124 Crazy1 (+1 regular)
125 Dirtron
126 Dirtron (+1 regular)
127 Habobanero
128 Habobanero (+1 supporter)
129 NorthNorthNugs
130 NorthNorthNugs (+1 regular)
131 MassMedicinals
132 Swe-can
133 Swe-can (+1 regular)
134 Swe-can (+1 supporter)
135 ifish
136 ifish (+1 regular)
137 CrunchBerries
138 CrunchBerries (+1 regular)
139 CrunchBerries (+1 supporter)
140 Panamajock
141 Panamajock (+1 supporter)
142 TestOfOath
143 lostinmyhome
144 lostinmyhome (+1 supporter)
145 matos420
146 Yetigrows
147 itza419
148 GMan
149 GMan (+1 regular)
150 PadawanWarrior
151 patsnumone
152 MantisTobogganMD
153 G-paS
154 G-paS (+1 regular)
155 G-paS (+1 supporter)
156 ChronicMcBudz
157 Gonepostal
158 harveest
159 harveest (+1 regular)
160 harveest (+1 supporter)
161 Hapi
162 Hapi (+1 supporter)
163 GreenBhoy
164 GrowingInThePines
165 GrowingInThePines (+1 regular)
166 SiliconTrichomes
167 LedZeppelin
168 RatsboggleBiological
169 Greenup
170 grief
171 ItsintheGenetics
172 ItsintheGenetics (+1 regular)
173 Colby
174 KanehB
175 KanehB (+1 supporter)
176 HorseBadorites
177 HorseBadorites (+1 regular)


Would love to try this out!


Now this here is something Im eager to try if I was usa :rofl: after watching the @BudBusterPro thread. Good luck everyone :+1:

1 Like

I’ve been impressed with the pics posted in your thread, would be stoked to try it. Thanks for the chance to win!


For the longest time I thought bud buster pro was a trimmer of some sort lol. Sound interesting


Thanks for the chance @BudBusterPro , will give this raffle a shot :slight_smile:


Definitely have had my eye on this but haven’t pulled the trigger yet. Would love to see the results.


YASSS!!! I love this stuff even though I’ve never used it yet but seeing the results on other OGer’s journals has sold me!

I’m in :canada: but still am throwing in my regular supporting member hat into the ring for a shot so IF my card comes up I can surprise a :us: OG growmie! :grin: :+1:


I would like to try this stuff for sure!


A 20-40% increase, who wouldn’t want that!


After seeing and reading about @JohnnyPotseed’s experience with this, I’m looking forward to trying a bottle (after winning it, of course!). :grin: :crossed_fingers:


I would give it a try. :+1: :slightly_smiling_face:


I’ve seen good reviews so I would love to try it myself. Thanks for the chance!

1 Like

Hmm. Interesting.


I can’t think of a single reason at all to NOT use this product! It’s done everything claimed and then some, the cost is infinitesimal since it’s concentrated, and treats so many plants .That breaks down to mere pennies per plant.
This current crop that I’m using BBP on has shown me nothing but love, the more I nute it. I’ve not had to pull a single leaf from anywhere on the plant… and they’re big AF especially for Autos, lol the biggest is over 5’ and growing

The only leaf I’ve taken off of any in this batch, just to ‘show’ and I have very big hands.


Thanks Johnny!
I’m looking forward to 10X the fun!


Nuttin but luv cuz, nuttin but luv…for this product as well as you!


This would be just the second product ‘grow related’ that I’ve EVER endorsed in my lifetime
Superthrive, being used by me for over 30yrs, is the first one.


Sounds like some good stuff, would love to try


I wouldn’t mind trying this. Thanks for the opportunity.