Win Master Grower Certification with Green CulturED [Closed]

Welcome to @GreenCulturED #overgrow420 Raffle!

About Green CulturED

Are you looking to perfect your growing skills or grow in the industry?

Green CulturED offers Coaching, Online Courses, Certification and Cannabis Industry Community to Cannabis Lovers, Industry Pros and Team Leaders.

Join Today & Get Instant Access to eLearning Solutions that Streamlines Training From Anywhere in the World & Kickstart Your Cannabis Expertise (or Team’s)…

Officially authorized across multiple states.

Company website:

Green CulturED Lab Banner - JPG 300x200.jpg


There will be three winners!

  1. Master Grower Certification
  2. Dispensary Technician Certification
  3. Responsible Vendor Certification

About Online Training

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Master Grower Certification

Become an expert master grower and start making a name for yourself today. Master growers are unique, passionate about their gardens, and highly dependable. They seek out and enjoy learning about new and different horticulture techniques, but many of the processes are considered trade secrets and the position is highly sought-after and competitive. This is for good reason because cultivating cannabis on a large commercial scale is not a simple task.

More info

Dispensary Technician Certification

Become a certified Dispensary Technician and pave your way to success today. Dispensary Technicians (also known as “Budtender”) work in both medical and recreational dispensaries and handle a variety of tasks for customers. You must play the role of an educator and work with your patrons to find the genetics that best suits their needs or educating consumers on the laws surrounding its use.

More info

Responsible Cannabis Vendor Certification

Our Responsible Vendor Certification prepares you to effectively handle complex situations commonly found in the cannabis industry. Rules and regulations affect every part of the cannabis industry, from health and safety issues, data security, management responsibility, team member behavior, and everything in-between.
More info

:warning: :mailbox_closed:

  • All certification takes place online and is available internationally.

How to participate?

Just post in this topic and answer the contest question:

Where did you learn the most about cannabis growing?

There is no wrong answer! All entries will be accepted.

How this #overgrow420 raffle works?

Every participant will get a raffle ticket. This topic will be open for attendance until 2022-04-23T21:59:00Z. The raffle draw will happen 2022-04-24T19:00:00Z on our Discord channel. We will use Discord bot to draw the prizes with guaranteed fairness. We will draw three winners of this giveaway. Single participant can win only one prize.

Entry Rules:

  1. Minimum Overgrow “Member” status (trust level 2) to participate.
  2. Limited to one registered entry per member.
  3. One bonus ticket if user is a Supporter at the time of the draw (stacks).
  4. One bonus ticket if user is a Regular at the time of the draw (stacks).


1 Foreigner
2 Foreigner (+1 regular)
3 VPDisKey
4 MyLittleGrundle
5 Nagel420
6 Nagel420 (+1 regular)
7 HolyAngel
8 HolyAngel (+1 regular)
9 HolyAngel (+1 supporter)
10 BasementBeans
11 BasementBeans (+1 regular)
12 Floyd
13 Floyd (+1 regular)
14 Floyd (+1 supporter)
15 ShiskaberrySavior
16 ShiskaberrySavior (+1 regular)
17 Oldjoints
18 Oldjoints (+1 regular)
19 YoBigdaddy
20 DougDawson
21 DougDawson (+1 regular)
22 DougDawson (+1 supporter)
23 Andrexl
24 BeagleZ
25 BeagleZ (+1 regular)
26 BeagleZ (+1 supporter)
27 SensiBowl
28 middleman
29 middleman (+1 regular)
30 Abbbian
31 BarefootAndBlazed
32 BarefootAndBlazed (+1 regular)
33 BarefootAndBlazed (+1 supporter)
34 bassman5420
35 bassman5420 (+1 regular)
36 bassman5420 (+1 supporter)
37 Terpsnpurps
38 Terpsnpurps (+1 regular)
39 sprinklememaynee
40 sprinklememaynee (+1 regular)
41 Green_Light
42 THCeed
43 CrunchBerries
44 CrunchBerries (+1 regular)
45 CrunchBerries (+1 supporter)
46 AzSeaindooin420
47 AzSeaindooin420 (+1 regular)
49 DJSF (+1 regular)
50 Sincitytoker
51 buckaroobonsai
52 buckaroobonsai (+1 regular)
53 buckaroobonsai (+1 supporter)
54 Longtooth
55 Longtooth (+1 regular)
56 Longtooth (+1 supporter)
57 allotment
58 allotment (+1 regular)
59 Pluckyevil
60 Pluckyevil (+1 regular)
61 Pluckyevil (+1 supporter)
62 Dirtron
63 Dirtron (+1 regular)
64 Emeraldgreen
65 Emeraldgreen (+1 regular)
66 Enjoi802
67 Enjoi802 (+1 regular)
68 Enjoi802 (+1 supporter)
69 Themouse1967
70 Pigeonman
71 Pigeonman (+1 regular)
72 Pigeonman (+1 supporter)
73 Granola
74 vaportrail
75 vaportrail (+1 supporter)
76 MrWizard
77 MrWizard (+1 regular)
78 MrWizard (+1 supporter)
79 MassMedicinals
80 Meesh
81 Meesh (+1 regular)
82 Meesh (+1 supporter)
83 TastyCrop
84 TestOfOath
85 thecrazster
86 Jumper420
87 Big
88 Big (+1 regular)
89 ReikoX
90 ReikoX (+1 regular)
91 Garden-Buddy
92 Garden-Buddy (+1 regular)
93 Swe-can
94 Swe-can (+1 regular)
95 Swe-can (+1 supporter)
96 SaintAliasKnife
97 Rhino_buddy
98 Vesti
99 Gizmo
100 Papalag
101 Papalag (+1 regular)
102 VAkish
103 VAkish (+1 regular)
104 tresbundles
105 ifish
106 ifish (+1 regular)
107 Habobanero
108 Habobanero (+1 supporter)
109 SiliconTrichomes
110 lostinmyhome
111 lostinmyhome (+1 supporter)
112 joecool
113 ImpaLa604
114 matos420
115 Oldtimerunderground
116 Oldtimerunderground (+1 regular)
117 Alaskagrown
118 Alaskagrown (+1 regular)
119 Orison
120 GMan
121 GMan (+1 regular)
122 PadawanWarrior
123 Tao
124 Tao (+1 supporter)
125 Gonepostal
126 harveest
127 harveest (+1 regular)
128 harveest (+1 supporter)
129 Hapi
130 Hapi (+1 supporter)
131 Pawsfodocaws
132 Pawsfodocaws (+1 regular)
133 Pawsfodocaws (+1 supporter)
134 ItsintheGenetics
135 ItsintheGenetics (+1 regular)
136 Scoobb
137 CapnCannabis
138 CapnCannabis (+1 regular)
139 BorderTownBud
140 FattyRoots
141 FattyRoots (+1 regular)
142 RatsboggleBiological
143 Zanzibar
144 Franknberry
145 Astrodude
146 Astrodude (+1 regular)
147 royal
148 Greenup
149 grief
150 other_barry
151 BeanBush
152 BeanBush (+1 regular)
153 BeanBush (+1 supporter)
154 hawkman
155 hawkman (+1 supporter)
156 Colby
157 Yetigrows


Finally! A chance to be recognized as the Master Grower we all know me to be! :love_you_gesture:

I learned the most either from OG V.1 or by doing it over and over again.



I learned the most by trial and error. Always learning though!

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Trail and error. Also some great friends. Collaboration is key!

Where did I learn the most? Hard to say… Been a long time smoker… So. Original info was from books written in the 70s / 80s. Then an ASCII text version of the Anarchists Cookbook in the 90s. Browsed forums without signing up for many years with prohibition, including OG1.0. So, many friends have also taught me things.

I’d have to ultimately say Friends… Yup, friends have shared their techniques and tricks time and time again…


I learned…less organic things from this publication :rofl:


Reading. Lots and lots of reading. Everywhere. Years even.
Followed by trial and error, lots and lots of trial and error. Even more years. To prove whether or not any of the reading was accurate :face_with_monocle: :joy:


Mostly trial and error with cannabis, followed by the knowledge here on OG :v:

Trial and error and OG like many others.

Also trial and error plus 30 years of just doing it ,the internet for reference these last few years since it’s gone legal has been a good guide .

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I have dealt with plant health as a career since 1976. But I learned cannabis as a hands on experience starting outdoor and then indoor using parking lights back in the day.
Never can learn enough and there is still a lot I could learn……. I’m in!

Trial and error and tons and tons of reading. Ed Rosenthal, mel Frank, and Todd McCormick just to name a few.

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I learned the most about growing from members on OG. Thanks for the opportunity @Green_Light and Joe :slight_smile:

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OGers like @DougDawson and many others.Also some YouTube grower too

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Always looking to expand my knowledge, this would be so exciting for me I can’t tell you.

I learned mostly by trial and error.

Prohibition kept me in the dark for a long time, and I’ve learned prob an equal amount from all the awesome folks here in last 6 months!

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I learned the most from the older local growers and of course a bunch of knowledge from OG. Thanks for the giveaway, lets get edumucated!

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My initial “education” was from coco for cannabis. Then I found this site and learned a whole lot more. Still much to learn…

Well… Where else!? Apart from a ton of sites, 99% I’ve been learning here, on this one of a kind, awesome site! OG!
Thanks @LemonadeJoe and @Green_Light!!!

Ed Rosenthal’s Ask Ed column/books were super helpful in the days of print media.
Learning to grow garden vegetables was a good start.
Getting my toes wet by having friends grow clandestinely back in the early 90s. They allowed me to observe and assist.
Those laid the foundation, but my state allowing legal cultivation for medical patients near the start of the COVID-19 pandemic (so much time to research since you couldn’t go anywhere…) kicked my quest for cannabis cultivation knowledge into high gear. This forum has been a HUGE part of my education - so much that I would declare OG to be where I have learned the most!