Winter giveaway notification!

That is awful. You would think it being there fault they should have to pay. Unfortunately that isn’t so they mess up we pay.

:green_heart: :seedling:


Should of looked for a dentist that would barter work for weed . Lol


Do we send you our info?
Thanks again so much for doing all this!!

I’m using my phone so no word at least on my cheap android lol

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Dental schools (if you have one near you) are 1/2 the price. Little more time intensive. Just for future reference. Sorry man I know it’s terrible.


I do not envy the undertaking you had before you!


Somehow missed this comment in the flurry earlier. Definitely an awesome strain. It was one of the first strains I bought when I got on the medical program and also one of my first CBD strains. Very nice mellow smoke.


REQUEST FOR “PERSONALS” INFORMATION!! Warmest of Greetings, Everyone. IN THE SIGN UP ORDER, Numbers 1 thru 20 are requested to PM info. I will affix to “ready to ship” Greeting Cards, only requiring Info/Postage Stamps. I’ll begin dropping off at my local Post Office on Monday. On Wednesday, I will request a Second group. DO NOT SEND UNTIL REQUESTED!!

Thanks to all who participated, accept MY apologies for derailing the thing!! BUT, you were forewarned of the chaos, I just didn’t want it to be SELF-INFLICTED. I want to applaud EVERYONE for your patience and conduct!! You have/had EVERY Right to be upset. On the Positive Side, we ALL need to acknowledge @G-paS’s efforts. “Queen :honeybee: approves me saying, "SHE’S MY LADY!!"

Disregard the “Belated Holiday Greeting” on the Back of Envelope, just something to attempt to “blend in”. So, ALL, take care, stay safe, be well, enjoy this Holiday Season (if celebrated), see ya in '23!!…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Personals sent thanx again

"M’Lady", please publish a FINAL Listing of SIGN UP ORDER. I’m going to start sending in GROUPS OF TWENTY/20. (Sign up Order, NOT Strain/Variety Order) SUPER THANKS, SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Thanks for the info pretty sure a dental school wouldn’t of touched it. Had 2 dentists working in me for 3 hours and they still got it wrong.

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Message sent @misterbee ! :smiley:

(I counted the #'s based on @G-paS above posts; if I am incorrect please slot the info for when appropriate :hugs: : )


A big THANK YOU @G-paS and @misterbee . This was quite the undertaking to keep in order with a bunch of stoners!
You both did and are doing an excellent job!
Whomever doesn’t understand that mistakes can be made, because we are all human, need to take a step back.
You are giving away not selling… they aren’t out a thing!
Complainers should be disqualified in my book… just my rant…
I appreciate all the both of you do! :v::green_heart:


@G-paS @misterbee so very sorry between my confusion and having a sick kid I dropped the ball. I’m scouring the comments to see if I’m already dropped but if not…#57 skunk dawg x highland Thai please.

again my bad on the latenss, and no hard feeling s if I don’t get in!! thanks for the awesome chances either way!!

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A huge undertaking I sure wouldn’t want to do it . Hats off the the bee and gpas for handling the giveaway.
No one should complain in the end it will all work out.
Just remember that this was a giveaway that’s costing dollars to mail out to everyone no one other than tbe organizers are out of pocket.
Be thankful for what ever strain you get is how I’d look at it.


If your interested in a Bean or two from #49 I’m all in Bro @ShiskaberrySavior


Thanks bud pretty sure I’ll get looked after appreciate the offer though.


Thank you once again for another successful give away brothers and sisters… :pray::pray::pray:


Sign up post is #369 in case anyone needed


working on the list by number