World of Jetpack Jets great Kush Off 2023! Who will be the champ?

Wedding Cake is done , she is ready , taking her and Tahoe Wednesday

Took me a few runs, but i cannot run her any better than this run with my abilities . Will absolutely represent her name well in the contest .

Tahoe wont fade , could go another week , but i want the tent , lol , so she getting the axe too . She is 100 % also , will rep her name well too . Tk and ST will be taken 9 days after these 2 . Both could go more, i may let ST stay , wedge her in middle of the new 4 , but TK is coming down like day 75 .

Tk is a pretty plant , but sitting front row , shoulder to shoulder with JBWC , she is the ugly step sister . WC is THAT NICE . Eyes drawn to it , every color of the rainbow and they run through the buds too . Covered in goo , rails on most leafs , buds hard as pecans .

TK looks mundane next to her . Yes she is gooey , colored too , muted not neon like WC .
WC is denser by a margin. TK is stunning dont get me wrong , but a zip code away from my cut of WC in looks and growth .

ST has been hidden behind WC the whole run . She was shortest going into flip , was younger i think cant recall . She HIDES her buds under big thick leather like leafs , stacking seriously and getting fat . I have not pulled many, never ran her before not gonna stress her in flower . She appears to be stacking well but is no beauty queen . She will take last place in looks and growth i bet .

Tahoe is just outrageous , to my liking 100 percent !


Heard this God Awful nose , looked up

Mercy zonked , snoring like a drunk sailor



Beautiful , kicked in high gear week 3 of flip never looked back . Caught WC n TK in growth . Will yield real well , dense also . I describe her as mean looking , all business .
She is not fading one bit , not checked her trichs , but coming down day 64 anyway :sunglasses:

She is all that and i am ready to try her .

So , so far , looks will go WC , Tahoe , TK , ST

Growing is a 3 way tie between WC TK N Tahoe

Smell … omg , not going into it now , will later , but all 4 smell different . ST the loudest , then WC , then TK , but TK has a cool scent , not one thing stands out , its like a bouquet more than any one thing . Tahoe is way different , more bite more nose tingle . ST reeks like something wet , i mean like really stinks .

Contest gonna be tight . No clear winners or losers in looks smell growth before harvest .

This is gonna be good , cant wait . 2 weeks ill smoke WC N Tahoe . Then 10 days later TK and maybe ST , if i dont let her run longer


My man!!! It all sounds wonderful. Can’t wait to hear about the smoking of these lovely ladies. Everything looks great brother. Another successful JetPack run.



Sounds like a great selection coming up . Once the cupboard is full then what? Go hunting for something new or just start making bales of the favourites?

Did some new starts the other day time to do some seed popping before I get hoarding status.
See how many I can kill this time.


All sounds great but what did you do to the poor dog


WC n Tahoe come down tomorrow . Then week later theTK AND ST .

Into that half of tent will go

Chem D , Geisel , Apple Fritter , and GMO . They are PAST ready for the flip .

2nd half of tent comes down in 30 days and these cuts go into that

Now on a 30 day harvest cycle , gonna keep it rolling .


We had a long run , it was 107 yesterday


Your mixing things up some new strains I see your running . Wonder how that apple fritter is gonna be?


Yes , running through :

Triangle Kush
Tahoe og
Legends og
CAP Junky
Lost Cap

So far Lost Cap and WC get to stay
Hoping i get a few more keepers from list above


nice collection ! :slight_smile:


Gonna take an early quick dry sample today of WC TK and Tahoe , i can spare some lower buds for a quick dry test sample

Last shots of WC and Tahoe before i harvest tomorrow , few TK in here too

Pulling all fan and large leafs off TK n Tahoe today , will remove yoyos tonight at lights out , be ready to chop n wash in morning :sunglasses:


Tents look great Jet. Mercy looked so tired. Trying to keep up with her brothers. :sunglasses: :metal:


yeah she wears herself out keeping their pace . i do not over push her , i know all of their physical limits . Finn n Paddle have no limit , Mercy n Sona 5 miles in the heat they are done


yes me too im super excited to see him run it. @Jetdro i hear gmo is like a 3x stretch… you gonna be able to contain that if it happens :grimacing:house to grow in so i can watch you blast thru cuts lol


Its the GSC cookies in it. Super Stretcher. Train accordingly.


WC finished and faded like a CHAMP , i cannot run her any better than this

GMO is HAPPY and large , 2 weeks from flip , she gonna be a big lady

Fritter behaving and looking excellent too , she goes in with GMO in 2 weeks


Yes i will contain it , had no issue with TK stretch , she will be fine


tame the beasts and reap the rewards !


Gonna reap WELL tomorrow :sunglasses::sunglasses::sunglasses:


25 different combos later i think i have it


You got rid of the blue dreams my friend?

If you ever want her back let me know cause ill have her for a bit. I will admit that she’s not the strongest or the tastiest butttt you smoke enough of her and you’ll get some ham on your window if you know what i mean haha