World of Jetpack Jets great Kush Off 2023! Who will be the champ?

i let her go . The high wasnt to my liking after a while . She doesnt make super dense buds either which i prefer . She is very strong but has middling taste n smells to me . Amensia Haze is a better sativa on all counts in my book and i have her already

2 more weeks fore next set can go in they all got a buzz cut just now . Amazing what comes off them


Sample buds went 2.5 hours in dehydrator . Came out all at exactly 42 percent . Hydrating to 58 and stable before i try them


First up , now stable at 60 percent is Wedding Cake . Been smoking her daily for a year , same plant , IF the fast dry didnt ruin it 100% , ill know her .

Figure start with a known , will tell me if it is even worth a fast dry sample . I had nuff to do a test and waste a few buds for bro science :sunglasses:

Afternoon Ifish @ifish


I’ll be over here waiting for your opinion on the Tahoe. :grin:


Evening jet : )

On the edge of my seat over here : )


its a 2 hour dehydrator dry

I dont expect much to be honest maybe a hint . The WC sample will tell me about to try it


Wc bag smell is awful , green wet hay

bud feels n looks fine however and out of the bag it doesnt smell hayish .As hard as i try i cannot smell WC in it .

Gonna grind a bowl and try it


Even looks abit ruff , the dehydrated sure hammers it


Might be poor cell phone pic , in person its not like a nice dry would look but not near as bad as that cell pic makes it look .

As i cut bud wit scissors i caught the tiniest hint of WC , tiny


Whoa , gonna be good batch of WC! First big hit rang my bell !

Huge expansion , super heavy smoke like WC has . Thick , expanding , deep flavor , could not pick it as WC to be honest , but feel her power already . Taste is heavy n full , just sorta dull and what id call dirty .

Lit on 3 big hits , NOW taste WC in my mouth a few minutes after smoking it . WC but dirty .

This last hit just now is smoother and sweeter but still not WC taste .

im flying , gonna go play spash with pack in pool and come down fore i try Tahoe .

Tell yall this , Tahoe gonna have to be something something to match this high !
TK too !!?


Enjoy the pool brother


Before i try Tahoe ill say this . The WC smelled bad , didnt taste good , but had thickness fullness and expansion . Power too . So all i can hope for Tahoe is it doesnt taste bad and has power .

Smell of Tahoe bag is horrid , like the Wc bag , smells just like it

Smell of bud not the same , like WC not much smell .

Let me try it

Wow, Kush … yeah kush . Much lighter way more high pitched than WC .

Smoke is not thick , way different flavor than WC . It is dirty kush . Gonna have big taste like WC has . NICE RELAXING STONE

Has a heavy heavy aftertaste of something .

Dont feel the power of WC , and its very different feeling , very calming id say . Appears to be creeper , so ill reserve judgement a bit on power .

VERY nice stone settling in , very nice .

Yeah super calming effects , very sedative id say , not to me but think this would couch lock most . Im wired at 11 , and am still 11 but high on WC , im now wired at like 5.4 , lol , and stoned on Tahoe . Gonna be nite nite time bud i predict .

This contest is gonna be close .

Now to try TK


Hey @ReikoX

Think ill like Tahoe

Mean i am going to like Tahoe i believe , think her taste will be large


Yeah, it has its place. I think with a dry and cure, you may pick up a bit of lemon as well. :smirk:


no real taste now but her power is still ramping up


Dying to try Triangle Kush

See if it has power yet to cut through the Tahoe which has really settled in now and im nice and warn and fuzzy :sunglasses:


Triangle Kush

Smell from bag is SAME terrible wet hay

BUT , big butt , lol , indy bud is BRIGHT and crisp , wow , actually smells "decent "

Cutting it smell is nice can smell it from couch with it on table in front of me , sweet bright.

Wow , oh just wow . Yeah , power is there , in spades , black spades !

@HolyAngel , im weird , my metabolism is strange , bud hits me different than most .
No head sweats , not hyped feeling , but it cut through the Tahoe like a hot knife through butter .

Made my head lean 30 degrees to the right on 2 nd hit . Not taken 3rd hit yet , completely high as a kite . :sunglasses:

Taste , if i didnt know what THIS was , and handed that bowl , id say hmmm , not bad , not bad at all . 2nd hit i was smacking my lips and sucking my mouth with a confusing taste . Much more taste than other two . Has chance of drying into special bud .

Contest is now closer ! :sunglasses:

Glad i was smart enough to snag about 3 joints worth of all 3 , gonna finish this bowl of TK

Joint of TK is actually tasty , id say very tasty , she is gonna be a flavor bomb for sure. Many different influences going on , about peg it it morphs to different flavor .

Nice trail on joint for 3 hits ! This is gonna be excellent bud

The joint of the WC is nice too . Super creamy n smooth , can tell its WC but has dirty finish , not as nice as TK .

Tahoe in a joint is just as tasty as TK . She will have the straight up Kush taste , which i love .
She packs a stone too , lol

This is gonna be harder to judge than i thought


Sounds like you’re starting to see what I’ve been saying this whole time bro. Out of a dehydrator even :joy: Looks like it’s only day 62 too? If you flipped on June 21st :thinking: I think that math is right. idk on the other cuts but I’ve flowered out the TK more than a few times now and however good you think the TK is now, she’s significantly better in every way at day 77+. I won’t take her before then if I can help it. Still haven’t tried day 84 like Caleb/Nspecta of CSI Humboldt said he does but meaning to. Strayfox said his preference is day 73.


WC came down just stunning


:drooling_face: :drooling_face: :drooling_face: :drooling_face:

looks so nice and tasty! fantastic :slight_smile: looks like you have quite some work to do!!