Worst Weed Experiences

Jumped? Busted? Ripped? Freaked out?

Alabama trailer park - guns everywhere.

Almost got busted and had to tear down/sanitize in one night to save my ass.

I had cops chase me in a helicopter while I was on a bicycle. I got away by hiding under an overhang.

Almost got jumped over new currency. Canada switched to plastic bills some years ago and I bought some weed off a random on the street at 2 am (stupid in itself.) He didn’t believe the money was real and had a dozen of his boys with him. After a heated exchange I told him to go buy a pack of smokes with it with a guarantee they’d take it. They did. Moron.

I was smoking weed 10M away from where a police officer shooting suspect was hiding.

Mrs Foreigner asked me to give her friend a plant. It was a perfect 12” cookie. 2 days after I gave it to her she and her boyfriend broke up and he stole it. I still wanna find this guy.

But, mostly good experiences.


Getting chased through the woods by the cops after they busted a ridiculous 420 party.
Me and some people left to grab more beer, got back to a roaring bonfire and no people. We thought our buddies were fucking around until the spotlights hit the trees. We fucking split, and ran through the woods without flashlights for like 30 mins. Ended up falling out of the woods into a wicked ritzy gated community and spent the night in someone’s gazebo until we felt safe enough to walk to school the next morning.

Fucking suuuuucked! But no one got arrested, so a win ultimately.


Mostly good experiences as well, hence why I still smoke the stuff :yum:.

Couple scary moments though. I remember one time getting pulled over in my buddy’s car 20 years ago. He was driving, I had a vacuum sealed QP in my possession. He got pulled from the vehicle. I fished the QP from under the seat and was about to run when I hear them joking around. I sit tight and he’s back in the car in a minute and we are on our way.

Another time I had just started smoking. Maybe three months in or something like that. I’m smoking with this girl out back where we work. She just blacks out and falls. Hits her head right on the concrete. Convulsing on the ground. I called 911. She ended up being okay. Turns out she had issues with seizures predating this. But it scared the shit outta me. Still feel bad all these years later that I wast able to catch her before she hit the ground


Hell i was arrested in 2015 for growing 15 plants luckily my lawyer was good and only had to spend 6 months in county jail 2 years on probation and a year on parole


:rofl: I’ve run in the woods many times but never to a gazebo.

Ouch that sucks. I had a guy collapse backwards into my glass coffee table but that was from being high light headed and standing up too quick.


Scary stuff man! We used to play this game where you had to hold your hit til the blunt made it back to you again. This kid starts making a gurgling type sound and falls over in slow - mo dragging a curtain off the wall with him. He recovered quickly and that was more funny than anything. But we did retire that game after that incident.


(Who can deprive themselves of oxygen the longest?) :joy:


I was smoking a joint on a residential walk and decided to take a shortcut across a randomly large lawn…
…that turned out to be the 52nd division of the Toronto Police and the only reason I ended up fine was that I was down-wind and my joints look like cigarettes for a reason.

The absolute WORST was getting bud from some kids in Hawaii where after we took the first hit we starting “strobing hard” and knew that we got something laced with something… really bummed us out as at the time it was impossible to find any mota as the drug trafficking was so bad with Hawaii being the middle stop between the asian producers and the USA traffickers that the penalties for any infractions were super harsh.

Every local told me: “i’m genuinely sorry, but no local would sell to a non-local due to the consequences.”

It was a fair point; the next day I saw the cops fail to wake up a homeless youth that LOOKED asleep but had actually O.D.'ed on a park bench on Waiki beach…


Yeah. Are you aware of the current controversy of a female basketball player taking cannabis oil to a very unfriendly country?


Lol…three or four times around there would usually be a winner.

I have another good (bad) one from that job. Maybe a stretch to call it a weed experience but we probably had just smoked or were about to smoke. I can’t remember honestly.

So I leave that job at midnightish. I’m walking with two coworkers through a commercial area with various businesses. Real quiet and dark. We are all wearing red t shirts. The uniform for this go kart track. Out of NOWHERE we get rushed by like…ten plus dudes with rifles with flashlights attached. All screaming different shit. Hands up get down don’t move bla bla bla. I got down on my face real quick. They decided we weren’t who they were looking for (robbery suspects) and just left…never identified themselves or anything. I remember walking away like…uhh shouldn’t we get debriefed here or something lol.


There’s a clip on COPS where the cops yell out the usual hands up on your knees etc.

But then one of them says “crawl towards me” and the look on the criminals face is priceless. “You want me to do what?”


I swear they try to get you to do dumb shit so they can shoot you! I saw some investigation on police shootings that was insinuating the same. They had some strong video evidence in support.




Got Buzzed by a Local Drug search helicopter while I was watering at night one time at 1 am and I had to cover myself in a Emergency heat blanket spray painted camo colors and hide in a pile of Mud predator style until he went away.He must have seen something on the Flir because he kept weaving the helicopter on top of me in the same spot .I thought I was going to piss my self I kept thinking about them finding all those plants I had spread out and going to jail.Thank god he flew off but he was so close to the field he snapped Kolas on some of my plants with the air from the blades.I don’t miss that shit one bit in those days.


I still jump when I hear a helicopter. 20 years later.

And I live at the junction of two major highways so it’s not good.

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A bunch of us smoked some weed my cousin got. After a while we all were starting to freak out. We could not even be near each other, we all walked away from the place going in different directions. Was a beautiful afternoon also, I just kept walking and thinking “Please stop.” Only bad experience I had.


I lived out in the country in a wooded area that had a small, ~1.5 acre, field next to the house surrounded by Privet hedge with a few patches of Privet hedge dotted around the field. As you do when you’re young and dumb, I had a few plants near every patch of Privet and one at the edge of the field near the road.

One afternoon in late August, I was sitting cross legged next to some cow turds I’d brought in to grow some shrooms in the field, checking out mycelium growth and I heard the sound of a cutting/blow torch. It was confusing, as neither me or my roommates had one and I couldn’t really tell where it was coming from other than it was close. I didn’t have any close neighbors so that was ruled out. Every minute or so, I’d hear it again.

I happened to glance toward my driveway and saw an SUV drive by slowly pulling an enclosed trailer with a hot air balloon logo on the side. It clicks in my head that the sound I’ve been hearing is likely the balloon. I look around at the sky but don’t see anything. I walk back to the house and tell one of my roomies there’s a hot air balloon somewhere near and we walk out to the road and see the SUV pulled over about 100 yards away. A guy was out walking around with a 2 way radio, sees us, starts walking towards us. We walk in his direction and I say something about it being neat and he’s telling the guy on the radio that he’s talking to the owners and that he can land in the field.

I’m thinking, wait… what? as sight of this huge red and yellow balloon breaks the tree line over the road about 75’ above the ground headed towards my house. The panic hadn’t quite set in, but me and the roomie start speed walking back home discussing how what just happened, happened. Whole time, I’m resisting the urge to full on run.

As we get back to the driveway, I glance towards a 4ft tall, 4ft wide monster indica bush in full bloom located ~30 yards from the driveway on the edge of the field and started the internal debate of how likely they are to see it. Before I could even consider trying to snatch it up. In comes the balloon with a few kids and a couple adults. The bottom of the basket just clipped the top of some ~20’ tall Privet that lined the property and lands about dead center of the field just about where I’d had the cow turds. As the SUV pulls in, the first thing I notice is a black-blue-black “thin blue line” tag on the front bumper. My heart went to my throat, beating faster than it ever had before. Oh, god, is this guy a cop?

The SUV pulls into the field towards the balloon and then turns directly back toward the plant on the hedge line driving about 20 yards from it and then backs up to get the back of the trailer close to balloon. I’m full on panic mode, me and the roomie are asking each other if we thought he sees it followed by, nahs, I dunnos, and how can’t hes? His car was pointed directly at it.

Next, a van pulls up to the driveway and parks perpendicular to the hedgeline in the driveway (again the plant is ~30 yards away), the side door pops open and out comes a guy on a wheelchair ramp facing directly towards the plant. Other members of the people’s family who’d hired the balloon file out of the van. Soon, there’s about a dozen people walking around the field between the balloon and that van while the guys are loading it up. Kids playing, parents taking pictures smiling and laughing.

The whole time, wheelchair guy hasn’t moved far from the van since the terrain wasn’t accommodating with the chair pointed towards that plant, every once in a while looking back towards me and my roomie having a nervous breakdown on the porch with our arms crossed with a hand over our mouths debating our future freedom.

After about 30 minutes they all loaded up and left out, thanking us for our hospitality. I debated snatching the plant as soon as they were out of the driveway. I managed to talk myself into believing the wheelchair guy was cool and the “cop” driving the SUV didn’t see it or he would’ve busted me on the spot, so I left the plant. From then, til harvest, it stayed in the back of my mind that “they” were planning a raid.

Nothing ever came of it other than having a story to give when toking it with friends and learning that some shit, you just can’t predict or prepare for.


Thanks I enjoyed that.

“Well, this is unusual…”


I had just got a job at a fancy restaurant where I made great tips and I had just moved out for college and was a broke ass college kid, so I was excited for the job. I was on call and they told me to take the night off so I started doing bong loads and then someone came over with a blunt…About 30 minutes go by and I get a call at my house phone and they tell me they need me to come in because the other guy was going home sick. I panicked and told them I was in another town and wouldn’t be there for 2 hours because of traffic. When I hung up I realized I was on the home phone and they could’ve called BS. I was expecting to get fired but they never said anything but I was panicking for a day or two…

I used to smoke and drive - one late night going home from work I am on an empty freeway smoking, using knees to keep steady while I light my bowl and going about 75 mph. I notice the reflectors on the freeway seemed to stop and by the time I realized there was a wreck and two cars wrecked sitting idle it was too late and I was absolutely lucky to be in the lane I was in because both lanes on either side had wrecked cars sitting in them - I would’ve crashed into them and likely wouldn’t be here to type this…that was the last time I smoked and drove.