Worst Weed Experiences

I smoke and drink a lot. Often time I run into strains that have a real positive effect when mixed with alcohol. Other times not so much…:face_vomiting:. I have smoked weed that will lay you the fuck out wishing for another time sick on the ground wanting to vomit the shit out when you mix with alcohol, others I have had Krazy visual type effects (when mixed with alcohol) where my field of vision is shacking and “bouncing” every where…some pretty knarly weed out there.



Tried to buy weed on the street in soho london once at about 1 am. The rasta guys decided instead of selling me weed I’d be a good target for a mugging. Ripped the money out of my hand and insisted I fork over my wallet. I ran for a couple blocks with them chasing me. Found a pub still open and managed to dip in there unscathed. Still lost my 20p note.


Was 15 or 16, dating a girl who smoked. I’d smoked a few times at that point but wasn’t a regular toker so would usually get pretty fucking blazed on the off chance I did smoke. Got some weed from my manager at the little Caesars I worked at, hoping to impress this girl who was gonna pick me up after work.

Loaded the manager’s entire sneak a toke, which was probably like 2 grams of weed, being dumb I smoked all of it and got super high. Got picked up, went and grabbed a bite to eat w the girl, could barely keep my head up while eating a milkshake, barfed in the parking lot and was promptly returned home rather than hanging at her place where we would usually watch movies and fool around. Felt like an idiot but she didn’t hold it against me so I really just missed out on that one Friday night.

I know there’s another time I barfed from smoking but I can’t remember the details.

Rented a brand new fucking house in college- we were 1st to live in it. How many college kids get a shot at living in a brand new house? Landlord was a sleezeball, said we could have the dog there- shoulda known better and he re-negged after we signed the lease. Promptly told him we weren’t resigning for the next year so he immediately showed up showing the house to new potential tenants unannounced. Luckily they stayed out of the closet, but then I had to set up my 400w hps EVERY SINGLE FUCKING NIGHT and tear it down EVERY SINGLE FUCKING MORNING to hide it in this little storage spot under the stairs. I needed that harvest to go rent a new place while making payments on the place I was already locked into so I could keep my grow going. Did that for a solid 9 weeks thru harvest and drying. Was the worst 9 weeks I had in college- I literally never left the house except for classes I was so paranoid.



Horribly unpleasant about the landlord. Everyday…I couldn’t handle it.

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I and my wife come from cop family’s, trust me when I tell ya they could give a shit less about your plant when their off duty… and especially after infringing on your privacy in the manner they did. Your hospitality guaranteed that.

Unless it was a cadet right out the academy …and that’s a hard maybe. Even less so with today’s politics.

But thanks for the story, enjoyed the ride.

I live at a dead end street with 65 acres of wooded property to my side. Eventually I get the cops come down chasing the kids on dirt bikes or quads… always has me nervous if I have an auto or two running outside. Or if the breeze is taking my growroom exhaust towards them. But yet I still always opt for cheap filters…


:rofl: me too and I live in a condo.


Maybe about 15+ years ago I was delivering a large undisclosed amount of weed to an entrepreneuring young gentleman with my homeboy. Earlier in the day said homeboy mentioned my headlights had gone out. So I got stoned to the bone and changed them like a responsible citizen would do. So, on our ride, the sun starts to set. Luckily I had just replaced the headlights. I flip them on and nothing happens. I sigh heavily and put on my high beams. I’m only like 6 miles from the meet up spot.

About a mile from the apartment I was headed to, a cop passes me. I take a peek in my side mirror and see his brake lights fire off. Oh no. My homeboy looks at me and says “You know we’re going to jail forever right?” The blue and red lights illuminated the sky behind us. I didn’t like the prospect of the minimum mandatory that was riding in the back seat of my truck just waiting to fuck both of us, but I pulled over anyway.

The cop takes his sweet ass time walking up to my truck. I roll my window down and in my best ‘nothing to see here’ voice I say “I know why you pulled me over and I thought I fixed them earlier today.”

We do the license and registration dance and they ask for the passengers ID as well. When he leaves with our IDs my homie is really starting to get worried. I’m like “Yo! What’s wrong with you bro?” I knew what was wrong with him. My man has more legitimate drug convictions than a little bit and is worried about that coffin nail riding in the back.

The officer finally comes back eyeballing my friend, eyeballing my crack is wack Tshirt, eyeballing my just say no to drugs ribbon hanging from my rearview, eyeballing my friend again. “That’s an awful lot of anti drug paraphernalia you have here,” mentions the cop. “Oh, yep. Drugs are bad news man. I’ve had a lot of friends wind up in a bad way because of them.” He responds “Hey buddy, I wanna let you guys get outta here…” That’s a lie. He’s not my friend and he wants to put us in jail. “…do you mind if I search you and your car real quick?”

I look right at him and say “I don’t have any problems with you searching me,” and then shut my mouth.

He pulls both of us out of the vehicle and I make sure to lock the doors behind us. As we are getting situated and I’m making small talk about the girls with the big tits we are headed to see, another cop pulls up. I hear my homie just sigh really loudly and say something like “I’m ready.”

The new cop is hella eager. He gets the run down of what’s going on and decides to search my vehicle anyway. I’m sitting there thinking ‘jackpot’ if this fool goes in my truck we might go to jail tonight, but we’re out on a technicality! No luck. His partner barks that they don’t have authorization to search the vehicle. So super cop stops in his tracks and starts looking through the windows hoping to find something from the outside. The window was cracked about halfway and my man starts snaking his upper body into the truck with his arms tucked down by his sides. I start laughing violently and say to the cop that pulled me over " what is your man doing?" I can tell the officer that pulled me over has come to the conclusion that they are just wasting their time as the other cop slithers his body back out of my truck.

The snake cop does one last walk around my truck and shines his flashlight in through my back window. I can only describe this light as a Jesus beam from heaven that landed straight on the bag. I’m telling you it lit up the bag and the bag had an aura glowing around it like the guitar from Wayne’s world. He looked like he was about to say something but instead just clicked the light off.

The cop that pulled me over said “Get your lights fixed,” and just like ‘that’ within seconds, the both of them were back in their cars and down the road.

So about my headlights? Why didn’t they work? When I got super stoned and changed them out at AutoZone, I pulled out the high beams in the parking lot and replaced them.



That sounds…unpleasant. I had a pocket full of hash under my wallet as I was wheeling a motorcycle out of my girlfriends house at 2am when I got rolled up on. (Get licence don’t accidentally pull out hash get wallet don’t accidentally pull out hash and drop on the street like an idiot).

They thought I was stealing the bike.


dam such a blast from the past great stories.


Hit the deck after doing a milky 2L gravity bong on a hot day. Spent the next few hours in bed worrying that I was going to bite through my tongue. Not really sure what happened there must’ve been some good shit. Only happened once a long time ago.

Also a long time ago, was a very high passenger in a Ford Explorer that rolled at highway speeds when the driver fell asleep. Can still remember being upside down rolling in slow motion. Car was totaled but we walked away without a scratch. Stashed my weed in the bushes before the cops came then came back for it later. Was a really good batch lol.

Its more of a medicinal thing now, not really good or bad times just relief.


I was going on vacation and we had no hook up in the day in this state… I said it’s all good I’ll smoke up when I get back.
We’re walking through airport security when a dog barks at my bag or signals or something. … I laughed it off knowing I had nothing on me… ne ways dude goes through the bag and pulls out my brand new sneakers, and I had subsequently stepped in shit. That was it. Dude put them back and I got on the flight and landed.
My friend later after we get unpacked and settled tells me he stuck 9 grams of black hash into the tread of my new shoe, and put them back in the box and in my bag.
He shit his pants at the airport, thought we were going down… :rofl: sketch as hell, I mean why would someone put someone in a situation like that?


I was in a motorcycle accident where I literally flew through an intersection so I know all about this. It’s indescribable. No drugs involved though.

Me too. I mostly smoke at 3am by myself when I’ve woken and can’t sleep. Which it currently is and is what I have done.

“Sir are you bringing any fruits vegetables or shit into the country today?” :face_vomiting:


My friend later after we get unpacked and settled tells me he stuck 9 grams of black hash into the tread of my new shoe, and put them back in the box and in my bag.

That’s one lousy friend.


I have to second that.

When I was 18, me and 2 friends drove to the Netherlands to smoke a ton of weed on a Saturday. After our Coffeeshop tour we went to the hotel and passed out.

Next day when we reached the boarder on our way back home about 500 meters before the control station my friend told me ’ oh ähm, there’s around 10 grams of weed in the key pocket’. I lost it then and was very angry because fuck you.

I have no problem smuggling something but I’d like to know IF I smuggle something and where it is.


I never understood smuggling small amounts of weed. I just don’t get it. It’s a big risk and you’re almost certain to be able to find it wherever you’re going.

I gave my leftover Amsterdam hash to homeless people.


Back then the availability where I live was just not good, weed was mediocre at best. Because young and dumb needs to have something special I guess.

When my girl and I went to morocco I left big chunks of hash everywhere before we got on the ship to Spain :smiley: In retrospect I could’ve brought kilos because nobody seemed to care.


I’d agree for the most part, but this happened a bit over 20 years ago when long hair country boys weren’t a dime a dozen like they are today. Hell, the guy probably wasn’t even a cop but he had the cop 'stache. It wasn’t much longer after I made my own thin blue line out of electrical tape on my bumper

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Not my friend anymore. Got into hard drugs and robbed us.


He wasn’t your friend then. Friends wouldn’t do that to you.


Sadly he was not. Just a bad egg.