Worst Weed Experiences

Truth. When I was in Jamaica I ended up with ridiculous amount of weed. I sold it to other tourists that didn’t want to leave the resort and eventually trashed the last half ounce in the lobby on the way out.


Told this story before so here is the extreme condensed version.
Son turned me in
Got sentenced to 8 yrs state pen
Now I’m growing again ….….


Damn. Get any good tattoos in there?

Got plenty funny ones non pot related. But the pot one lol mom and I at her friends. Missouri. Warm summer night on the water side. The friend was smoking. And at the time I had never tried it. Well the smoke was smooth. And I had no idea what I was doing. And moms friend said. Take another hit. So I did. 2 min later. I thought I was dying Lolol not literally but more like. I felt like I wanted to lol. Way too much for a first time. The one thing that made me a believer in it. I was driving 8 hours straight to see a friend in Illinois I have ms. Among other issues. But this. I had a muscle in my neck from my shoulder to top my head. That started to pull and burn. And from experience I knew it was going to be a week of pain. Well I get to my friend. I called her ma. She had a bowl. And said. Try this. I was desperate from pain. So I did. Within30 min. The pain was gone. And did not come back. That sold me on it


I have none. Went through the navy and prison without getting any…….


That’s seldom heard of, especially being have served in the navy and a sentence. Most people I know who have either served in the military or gone to prison, have or get tattoos. And the ones that do time usually accumulate more the more time they have been there. Sounds like you avoided a ton of pressure :thinking: I don’t know honestly. I have some machines I mess around with. Also a bunch of tattoos and what not. I like them. Some people don’t dig having or getting them and to each their own.

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We called that Chicago… i dont know why lol

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Back in my 20’s I was smokin some really good weed that had me fuckin blitzed and super dehydrated. That night, I went to take a shit and passed out on the toilet. Woke up with a bloody nose from my face hitting the floor, and shit all over my ass lol. I felt like I was drunk when I woke up. Took a min to figure everything out. Luckily the shower was close by lol

Another bad time was in 2016, I was riding with a buddy to CO with $35k in the truck to get some lbs. He gets pulled over in fucking Kansas for “swerving” (BS), and the first thing they asked was if he had a large amount of cash in the vehicle. We end up getting searched, my buddy is put in cuffs, and spends the night in jail. They took my phone and let me go with the truck after they took everything. I had to get a burner and a hotel room and wait til the next morning to bail him out. We made it to CO, just wasn’t able to get what we went for. Smoked some FPOG that I’ll never forget in Denver.


I used to sell a couple P’s of flower a week in small amounts. One night a friend (my muscle) and I were chilling. Someone knocked on the door and he said “I didn’t hear a car door”
I cracked the door and asked he how he got there as we were in the country. " I drove this bitch" as he pulls out a small pistol. I slammed the door and hit the deck. He emptied his pea shooter into the house. My friend was shot through the forearm.
We waited a minute and then lost the stash and money on our way to the hospital.
All the cops wanted was to search my house, I knew that and I didn’t let them. Not one second went into finding that murderous piece of shit!! Willing to end us for 2 lbs and a couple grand
I took a 2 year break after that stunt and now only deal with people who have something to lose.
I learned that night that I would never be a kingpin. That was scary


Back in 70’s Santa Cruz area. Me, my partner and our son, a friend and his girlfriend, and their dog decided to drive his VW bus loaded with used tires to Atlanta for Christmas with family. The used tires were to replace the front out alignment tires when they blew. (We were still in magic time when all things are possible). We were cruising along smoking some good Santa Cruz weed, windows closed to keep the cool air out and the good smoke in, rolling through the hills around San Juan Batista - when I noticed red flashing light in the rear view. Holy crap everybody hide the pot as I took my time puling over to be sure the stash was hidden. California Highway patrol comes to the window and I slide it open. A cloud of pot weed to billows out and around his face. He looks like he just saw the dumbest person in the state.
Where are you going?
Atlanta to see the family for Christmas.
Step put of the vehicle please.
I’m thinking here come the handcuffs. Bad trip. But he instructs me to walk to the back of the van. Is he going to shoot me?
I stopped you because one of your tail lights are out.
Oh…ahhhh… didn’t know…(I realized he walked behind me to see if I was stable.)
He had us start the van and test all the lights. Yep. One of the tail lights was done. He walked me back, handed me a ticket. I got back in the van.
Get the tail light fixed, take it to a highway patrol station and the ticket is cancelled. And next time, for Pete’s sakes, be more careful. Merry Christmas.
I thanked him and we all wished him Merry Christmas as he walked back to his car. I drove away thinking God Bless the California Highway Patrol.


Back when I was much younger and in university, we had a friend who was able to source us different flower than was available commercially at the time. He was extremely reliable, and offered very reasonable prices. We would buy a considerable volume at a time, and he would let us come to his apartment.

One night we were talking and he told us to come by, my roommate and I were on our way over and he called us and said to stop knocking and he would be right down to let us in. We let him know that we were not knocking and were about 10 minutes away. He sounded panicked, and said okay dont come by, I will call you shortly.

We kept walking not to stop by, but just to do a walk by and see what was up. We saw a bunch of guys at his front door with ski masks on, and several more out back.
Turns out he was in the process of getting hit by robbers who figured out where he lived.

We kept walking and went by, hoping he would be alright.

He called an hour later and said he was getting a new apartment, and had managed to sneak out the building with all of his inventory, but if we wanted we could meet him at his friends and he would still hook us up. We went by, and he was very gracious and apologetic, and hooked us up real fat.

Super nice guy, we kept working with him for years until he sold his business and moved on with his life.


You’re a true philanthropist.


Late 90’s, headed west on i70 in KS near CO border…

I was driving 3 friends to meetup with HS classmates in Ft. Collins. We were passing a bong in the car, and I was driving a little too fast. Then, lights in the rearview mirror. That sobered me up real quick!

I rolled down the windows to air out, and my friends wrapped their jackets around the bong as we coasted to a stop. I knew I couldn’t let the cop stick his nose inside the window, so I immediately jumped out with paperwork in hand and locked the doors behind me.

He did not have a strong negative reaction to me getting out of the car as I had anticipated. He wanted to talk and talk, trying to get me to trip up on something. I asked if I was being detained, or if i was free to go.

He said he was going to search the vehicle, but obviously was not proceeding without a cue from me. I asked him if I had a choice, and he said yes. So I said, “no thank you.”

I was surprised when he just said to slow down and be safe. He never even ran my license. I got back in the car and headed on to Ft. Collins.

We must have had an angel watching over us that day.


Dude was off his shift soon . :grin: I have a similar one. Hot boxing in a friends Astro van. Get pulled over. My friend stops under a street light. When he rolls the window down smoke is just billowing out the window. Everyone in the back just holding their breath. “Get that license plate light fixed and drive safe”. Everyone was like…



Years ago myself and a handful of coworkers were chilling after getting out and we decided to invite the new guy at work over. We all figured the dude was cool and all of us had just assumed that one of us had already confirmed it. Well, new dude stops over and I take off as he’s walking in to go pick up a pizza.

I come back the place is filled with pot smoke, and everyone is on the couch chuckling except the new dude who has a very uncomfortable and awkward look on his face. My buddy chrips off “Hey guess where Josh is going to school? He’s going to the police academy to be a piggy.” Then proceeds to make snorting noises at him. The dude just tried to laugh it off but it was pretty obvious he came over with no idea what he was getting into.

He ended up hanging the rest of the night (passed on the smoking) and he was actually alright. Dude never showed up to work again. It was the last we ever saw him.


Haha imagine him being a cop, finding himself in a similar situation while busting a group of friends and then getting a panic attack, ptsd like :smile: ‘that’s it, I quit’


my worst smoking pot experiance was smoking pot that was laced with something. boy was i f up. it has happened 2 times with different people . some people or bad. they should have told me it had someting extra, so i could decide if i wanted to smoke it


Back when I was younger I ate a big bowl of Lucky Charms before leaving for work, got moving up the highway and grabbed my bowl to take a rip. It hit my throat funny and I started coughing then a cough and burp combo turned into me covered in the Lucky Charms I had eaten, which made me start gagging. I did not go to work that day.


I was in Germany, in the early 70’s. With the US Army.
I was buying Hashish on the German economy and selling it to the guys on base. Making bank!
So, I met up with my German friend to make the deal. We went into a bathroom at a cafeteria type place. We made the deal, and we were no sooner done when about 8 cops come barging in. I had a hundred grams of Blond Lebanese Hash in my pocket.
There were about four MP’s and four or five German Polizei they grabbed my friend. Who had nothing on him, since he just sold it to me.
So, I’m standing there, shitting in my pants cuz I thought I was going to jail. One of the MPs leaned to me and said, " There is gonna be some trouble here. I suggest you leave. Now. "
Don’t hafta ask me twice. I skipped the fnck out of there. I spent the next week wondering what the hell just happened.


Have you ever heard something from your friend later?