Yahooo my one year anniversary!

Happy to announce that today is my official anniversary date I almost missed it found it while having @LemonadeJoe change my forum title, on a side note I want to thank all who contribute to this website in one form or another, I’v learned so much over the past year and hope to get better at it as time goes on! Thank you !



Sweet! I think I owe you some microscope pics. Cheers

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Love to see them ! I had scoped a rotierfer awhile back talk about alien :alien: looking creature it’s turned out being quite fun looking for different things ! Man those Protozoa are fast movers eh!


What do use for a scope? I set my self up with an Omax decent scope for the price IMO with a nice case!

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Yeah, the Protoza are cool, I’ve noticed some spinning and some more “Buffalo shaped”.

I have absolutely no idea what I’m really looking for, should have went to class more. Check out LAB and ferments too. soil can be cool, but my microscope is on loan from young son. That’s the bonus though, it he’s into checking out mini/micro stuff now!!!


Congratulations @Tinytuttle and thanks for your kind words!


Happy OG B-day @Tinytuttle! We ought to throw a big party!!! LOL


This one is in honor of your birthday @Tinytuttle. Congrats and I’m honored to be on this journey with you. Jah!


What ya have rolled up there @oleskool830? Looks sweet whatever it is!

Sweet Island Skunk. MMM mmm good! Happy Birthday brother!

Your ride’s here


Looks like we have some trimming ahead of us! LMAO!:rofl::rofl::rofl:

Celebratory joint for tinyturtle

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Sweet I’ll PM you with my address as to where to send it! Lol!

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