Yellowing/dying leaves and slow growth, pythium?

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Leave It The F Alone


Your in for a world of jokes and memes now :rofl:

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You donā€™t have one of those salt systems for water treatment do you ? On some of them the salt is removed prior to hitting the tap some might not be heard of issues with watering any houseplant using those

Lol it hurts just thinking about it. Alright, water only from here on out, at least until issues correct themselves.

Nah but like I said, my other two plants are unaffected. The two sweet n sours got over watered severely, and ever since then thereā€™s been issues.

With some of those systems the calcium is dropped out from chemicals to make it softer water FWIW


Can Pythium go away on its own? Can barely find info on the topic.

Just realized I have a bottle of hydroguard laying around. Itā€™s supposed to cure root rot if thatā€™s the issue. Think itā€™d be a good idea to try it out?


Hereā€™s a bit of info bud - Cannabis Root Rot - How to Identify & Get Rid of It Quickly!

Thanks dude. Iā€™ve done a lot of reading on Pythium and a lot of the sites donā€™t provide good information on getting rid of it in soil systems. But that article you posted did recommend hydroguard which I used before to see if it helps. Realized that I had a bottle of it laying around from when I planned on going dwc instead of soil.

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No problem man. From what I understand it is a lot harder to get in a soil/coco system. I would eliminate all other probabilities first (overwatering, nute lockout etc) before thinking its Pythium :thumbsup:

I definitely did over water a little over a week ago. If you go to my grow diary you can see the log. The thing is I have two other plants that did not get over watered but received the same feeds, and those other two are just fine and flourishing. All the issues arose after I over watered/overfed. I let the pots completely dry, the plants recouped and then recommenced watering. And Iā€™m leaning towards pythium because I let the bottomā€™s of the pots get way too wet, like completely drenched and sat in water for maybe in hour.

They are fruit flies, put a little bit of water and some cider vinegar into a bowl or cup. (Any vinegar really) ( you can also add a small piece of fruit).
Add a squirt of fairy liquid, (dish soap) then cover it with cling film.
Poke a canny few holes in the film.

The flies are attracted to the smell and they crawl through the holes.
They are pretty dopey as they get in but canā€™t get back out.
The dish soap breaks the surface tension on the liquid so the flies fall thru it and drown.
I did this the other day but added a raspberry to the bowl and caught loads.


Fed the two Sweet n Sours last night via bottom feed and this morning via top, both with Hydroguard added. Not 100% sure but it looks like they could be perking up already. Iā€™ll update in a couple days, hopefully the Hydroguard worked :grin:

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Well it looks like I solved the issue and the hydroguard seems to be working really well. The Sweet N Sour that was yellowing heavy has reverted back to green and the other with the browning leaves has turned a darker, healthier green and has stopped necrosis. Anyone has any over watering issues or nute lock out, hydroguard seems to be the answer.