Need to know some particulars on fox farm nutes

I’ve got one plant out of 3 that seems to be having serious issues.


I’m using fox farm trio. I’m new to growing but learned from reading about fox farms. What is the issue? How old are plants? They look under watered I think.

Pic 1… start of the issue. It appeared to me a little light/heat stress. To correct I pulled the light up ( I know right…no-brained. Checked hydration… it was a touch on the dry side at 1-2 inches down, in range at 6-8 inches.
Pic 3 (12 hrs later) looking to be a much bigger problem. Hydration just touching the dry line on meter @ 6-8 in. Gave her the normal watering approx. 30-32 oz. early morning (plants are still in veg)(late pre-flower). Got em set to switch 12/12 in 10days.
Panic ensued when I woke up to Droopy the Tangie plant. The previous watering/feed was about a 75% strength FoxFarm grow big and big bloom. 75% of recommendations feeding 1x a week.
Pic 2. The comeback put air space under fiber pot, added fan to blow on bag and no water/feed.

Here’s my major questions: is there something about the Foxfarm trio they don’t tell you in the fine print?
Next: has anyone who has popped Tangie had any finicky issues related to this strain???

Would greatly appreciate some feedback.

Sorry I should have put biographical before pics. And sorry bout the burple.

Looks from the pics maybe a bit of leaf tip burn also ,hows the root zone have you pulled one out of the pot to look could they be root bound? Very hard to tell with the led lighting any leaf discoloured issues ? Can’t see it being too much lighting how’s your ph and run off reading?


I was told that they are very potent. I only use half of the recommended dose.

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Thanks man. Ph is running at approx 6.8 in a 50% coco/pro mix soil. Ya the tip burn is selective but present. This is my 5th turn on indoor and to date the only grow to give me this issue. I was previously using Orgagrow holland plant food. Can’t get it anymore so switched to fox farm trio and not happy with it.
I had just a touch of fade on the last node and spider top. My assumption was light too close even for LED.

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Try using just two cap fulls in a gallon jug oh and always make sure you shake it up before use.

I’m not sure I even use that much???

This week is recommended 30ml grow big and 15ml big bud. I actually used about 20 or so ml GB and about 12ml BB in a galllon and shook for a minute.
Have it figured for about 70 to 75% of recommended

People say to follow this to the key. Hope it helps

6.0/6.2 ph would be a better number in my mind I run a similar coco peat mix .
Are you bottom or top feeding hard to see in the pics ? It’s the shits when you gotta switch your regular nute brand to something new.

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This could be the prob.

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Sorry folks lemme try this again

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This is the sheet I’ve been running

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Sorry I have no idea what the hell I did with this thang.
The green pics are as of 20 min ago. And I TOP feed

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Yeah, that’s crazy!
It’s all purple !?!

Hmmm, I haven’t tried Fox Farm nutes, so I haven’t seen that before.
I usually prefer a nice Kelly green color on plants :smile:

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Ahhh, there they are :smile:

I know and for the previous 15 plant runs to harvest a deep green and hands to Jesus was the status quo. Again I was using nutes that I could literally run Full strength and top feed DAILY. Had to switch when the company shut down or quit shipping to the US.

Ok since I’m picking your brain. In the full tent pick… front plant is in same soil, getting same nutes and doses as well as water. Do some strains just get picky???
Should I start looking for a different set of nutes.

I grow for myself and having a locker full of chemicals and nutes wasn’t really what I had in mind.

I agree on the cal mag issue also a good flush wouldn’t hurt get the ph down some and a light feed