Help with yellowing and drooping

Hi, wondering if anyone could help me figure our what is going on with these plants? I am growing them in Coast of Maine stonington blend. So far they have been watered with ph 6 water with mykos, azoz, and humic acid, no other nutrients given. Run off ph is 6.4. Being kept at 79F and 79% rH. They were last watered about 12 hours ago. No real sign of improvement with wilting/drooping. Cant figure it out. . . Thinking I might need some nitrogen ASAP, but not sure. . .


I’m not sure what’s going on there but it doesn’t look like N to me.


How much are you watering? Could be nutrient lock out from too much :potable_water:


400ml every 2 days ish

Plants in soil do not use a perfectly symmetrical watering schedule. Do not go by timing. Get a moisture meter for $10 and water/feed when it gets to about 3/4 dry. A healthy wet dry cycle will not let you down. Overwatering prevents healthiest root growth. Saturate the soil and then listen to your MM, no matter how long it takes till next watering.

Keep your N up during the flowering stretch after you’ve fixed the problem your experiencing currently


This is definitely water related. How’s your airflow? 80% RH is very high.


Airflow is decent, could be better but this tent is temporary until main one is finished being built out. 80% rH should be perfect with 79/80 degree temperature for the VPD. I can cut it back, but with keeping more humid for veg.


Would this be a good meter? I’ve been trying my best to go by feel over timing hence the “ish” lol. But I think the meter would be a good idea and less stress on worrying if I’m reading the soil right.


Looks like they have been continiously overwatered and also they look like maybe need new shoes!
Where did you last transplanted it? Do you wait till they dry for watering or you just water every other day?



What @Smokinrav said :point_up_2:

You have to give them time to nearly dry out and plants use water non-linearly.


I would love to give them new shoes, unfortunately my local hydro store has taken a month to get me the power cables for my Fluence lights. . . . Tried to support local, never again LOL. They will be going into 4x4 raised beds with stonington blend. I 100% overwatered them as seedlings and have been trying to be careful not to since, maybe my idea of dry is not dry enough hahaha.


Better to water till run off and then let things dry out for a bit than constantly choke them on a little bit of water everyday.


Right on, I’d say trying to adjust your temp to get your RH around 60% would be helpful. Hitting that VPD is great but 80% RH can cause some issues, plant edema being one of them.

Looks like lots of other folks are saying let it dry out, I 100% agree. :+1:I think you can nurse these back to health for sure


How long would you say is usually a good amount of time? Like I said I’m watering every 2/3 days. So not adding everyday.

Forget the moisture meter. Lift the pots up when they are wet. They should be heavy. Lift them up again when they are dry. They should be light.

Get a feel for it. Those meters are junk


haha that is what I’ve been doing. Not sure if its working out so well for me LOL. I’ve only ever grown in raised beds before.

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For what it’s worth I don’t think your issue is overwatering either. What’s in your mix?

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Then I’ve added Mykos, Azos, some humic acid.

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this doesn’t look so good. I think 400ml per week is enough. hang lights higher. Little bit of air flow. Good temps. The soil seems to be fertilized too much…

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I’m not an organics guy so maybe someone else will chime in but it sounds like a lot of compost etc and might be a little hot.

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