Yellowing lower leaves with rust spots

I have 2 clones that are showing yellowing leaves starting on the bottom with rust spots on the leaves. There is also one smaller plant that was started from seed showing rust spots on the lowest leaf. I’m using RO water PH’d to 7 with general hydroponics CaliMagic up to 360ppm up from 40ppm( my RO is 40ppm.) they’re under a generic LED fixture from HD. This just started after I watered a couple days ago. They’re slowly drinking more water but the root system isn’t very developed and I’m only watering every 6 days, when the soil drys out.

Thanks in advance for any help!

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Those look like they need a bigger pot.


RO is suppose to be at 7 ph already and 0 PPM sounds like a questionable source Or something doesn’t sound right from the get go

I agree with @Tommy_McCain for starters,on plant container size with but more info is needed

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Does look like the pot size is a bit small for those plants. What kind of medium are they in? Looks like a bit of nitrogen deficiency starting, with a bit of potassium deficiency as well( the brown edges) but I’m not familiar with this style of growing as I’m a soil guy using Organics. If it is a deficiency, it is one or more of the mobile nutrients. I’m seeing a little bit of clawing on a couple leaves, it’s possible that you have salt build-up issues, or have over fertilized.

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Hi there
To me it’s a few things
•ph too high drop ph from 7 to between 6 to 6.5 check once you add your fertilizer ( everything starts with ph if you check ph every time you can stop a lot of problems in advance
Also check ph from your run off

• If it’s taking 6 days to dry out they are too wet you should only water so they dry out every 3 days
Water till you see run off do not let it sit in water remove water from drainage tray plants hate wet feet

• up pot to a bigger pot ( if she’s root bound break up the root ball before up potting )

Just my 2 cents


I have the same thing going on with little plants from seed in 3" nursery pots. Just need more leg room and a good feed. I flushed them thru with some good nutes last night but will have them in bigger pots this weekend. Lots of thawing out of sewer pipe going on this week at -35. Brrr . . . !


Thanks guys! My RO water comes from the
faucet at 40 ppm and then I just added calmag to the last feeding. The medium is the blue bag of promix, they will get FFOF on the next transplant but it was too hot for clones and seedlings in the past. I just watered today and added more nutrients. I agree, they’re just hungry/ready for bigger pots. I was panicking a little, my old place had great tap water from a well that was high in nitrogen and I could run it with FFOF and tap water until about half way through flower without anything else but I couldn’t find ground water reports for the area I live in now and the well water seemed sketch so I installed a RO system.

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