Rust spots on leaves and yellowing

Hey. These plants go into flower tomorrow and I just noticed this. Hoping to catch it early and stay on schedule. I believe it is like a calmag thing which I plan on upping next watering. Medium is FF ocean forest with a lot of DE for silica and maybe 1/3 of it is perlite. They just got their first feeding after eating up the stuff in the soil. Oh and I inoculated with mycorrhizae when I transplanted.

Rust spots starting on the bigger leaves, and yellowing. I took a few pics they are high enough quality to zoom a bit. This is only my second grow so yeah let me know what yall think.

These pictures come from the plant second on the right. It is easier to see in person but it is also turning paler green yellow.


Are you using LEDs? Could be a calmag deficiency.

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@PineTarBastard Yes using LEDs, and I am never sure how much do calmag to use, I was going to go to 2.5 ml a gallon and do it every watering and feeding. Do you think that is enough? Right now I was sporadically doing about half that…

Are you checking your pH? For soil you want to target 6.5-6.8. If you are unsure of your pH, adding cal/mag or anything else will be wasted.


Looks like the start of a K deficiency.


What is this obsession with perlite I see so often?
That’s 1/3rd of your soil volume that could be compost packed with nutrients.
Leave the roots of the previous grow in there, it does the same perlite does but also provides nutrients and keeps soil life active for the next plant.
Just sow next to the stump.

I’d start topdressing with grass clippings, tree leaves, dandelion leaves, kitchenscraps, nettles, thistle, … maybe a little horse manure, horse owners will gladly give it away, it’s a pain the ass for them to get rid of it.
Variety is key. Give it a bit of all kinds of fresh organic matter.
Stimulate those fungi!

And sow some covercrops, always a good idea. :+1:


They just look hungry to me, have you got a nutrient line and feed schedule?

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First feeding of what? Are you growing salts / soil hybrid? what do you have growing on? :wink: More info required. The deficiency is subtle now but I would get ahead of it… if you are in soil I would add either rice hulls (silica benefit) or pumice next time or both 50-50. I made the mistake with perlite as well but there is no real benefit to perlite unless you’re strictly salts and looking for aeration as far as I’ve seen. Hope you get it all figured out for sure!

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Untrue about perlite. Perlite is great for getting oxygen to the roots. It’s sterile and has pockets for air. I use it all the time wuth fantastic root results


I know someone else mentioned different…
If your in soil you may want to run a PH of 6.3…but that might just be me… :man_shrugging:

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Your pots look dried out, it may be an early sign of underwatering

I’ve never heard of LEDs causing calmag deficiencies? Is that really a thing? Sounds kinda SUS but I really don’t know lol


Whenever this happens to me it is because the air is too dry or the floor is cold.

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Hey yall thanks for the answers.
@tejas 6.8

@rogue the perlite is for aeration not nutrients, you are talking about more of a “no till” method. The FFOF gets pretty clumpy without it, just trying some root health stuff this run. I do all compost no till outside for my fruits and vegetables. Its 6 inches of compost over cardboard directly over the ground. Id love to do something like that inside eventually

@jango I do and they are! I transplanted almost a month ago and have done 0 nutrients the whole time. The first feeding was the day before I noticed the deficiency Im going to basically follow the FF chart. I did the growbig and big bloom for this first feeding it was about 1000 ppm. Ph was 6.8. PPM of runoff was 1600 i did not ph the runoff.

@Rhai88 When i first started I got a deal on 3 bottle of the 3 main FF ones so ill be using that till empty, so yeah salt soil hybrid. I put like a ton of damascus earth in there, for silica and i had a fungus gnat problem last run

@skunk RH was real low most of their life but now im maintaining aroun 45%. temps run 77-85 ish


I’m surprised no one mentioned boron?, :joy: happy 4:20 everyone :v:


When I let my pots dry back too much I see similar lower leaf damage. As the medium dries out, the EC goes up.


I agree they’re hungry, this looks like Calcium deficiency … beer3|nullxnull


I document common Cannabis nutrient imbalances for a hobby, after retiring from a lifelong career in soil chemistry.

This is from the Calcium + Potassium toxicity room.

It looks like calcium and potassium are antagonizing something…From my viewpoint…


Nevermind guys I’ve been informed it’s variegation,ph fluctuation changing the variegation… From white to orange

Turns out nutrients aren’t important to growing good weed. Big words are. I wasted my life perfecting nutrients for nothing. Variegation is cool. Orange varegation even cooler.


@ReikoX @anon84307778

You guys might have nailed it, I am very bad with the watering thing HAH. My first grow I overwatered the crap out of them in veg and now I am scared to do that again. This run I added all the perlite so if I mess up it will dry faster/not affect them again. That is why I am trying the mycorrhizae as well (for stronger roots). I have definitely let them dry out to much though. I get up for work before my light comes on, and by the time the kids are in bed I have like 30 minutes before the light goes off so I make the wrong call on watering and see them 23 hours later most times. Its a 3 gallon pot too, last run I did 5 gallon, they dry out faster.

I might just say F it and switch to hydro. :sweat_smile:


Pretty dope retirement project. I love boobs as well.

Thanks for all the awesome answers team. I am going to bump up the calmag and potassium, the bloom nutes have more potassium anyway. And you know hopefully get better at watering these damn plants. I live on four acres, we have over 30 different kinds of fruits, vegetables, and fruit trees. Cannabis was recently legalized here and this is the only thing I have ever grown indoors. I love growing things and learning from you guys is a great opportunity!


The last pic you posted there that shows all the plants…

Check out the leaves on the far left plant. Notice how they’re twisting and look kinda funny… I’ve run into that a few times and it’s always been a watering issue. Technically, I think it’s a pH issue but if it’s too dry your pH/nutrient uptake is off.

Try watering until you get a tiny bit of runoff in the clear tray and once you see it fill the tray up with water and let the plant absorb it back up. You don’t want it sitting in water for hours but if it takes 5-10min to absorb you’ll be fine. It helps you know the plant is fully soaked. Pick the pot up after to get a feel of the weight and after a few rounds of that you’ll know when it’s time to water bcuz the pot is much lighter