You ever get slapped?

If you tickle me, God have mercy on you, because I can’t be held responsible for my actions.

I make it real clear to my wife, if you catch an elbow it’s 100% on you.

Somebody should tickle him. They’d probly get the chair tho


Man you respected a guy who put more money in to building privatised prisons and cut funding on universities whilst making huge profits filling them with minorities mostly for minor drug chargers, a lot of who are still serving time today??

I’ve got no idea what the slap is all about but the guy never deserved respect, he’s been a piece of shit since day dot.


The response to 9-11 does not detract from this complete beat down this man has just endured. He’s a survivor.

maybe he had a really bad sunburn from a boat trip you don’t even know about and it hurt real bad


Because he’s a little bitch!!!


word ^^^^^^^^^^^


No that’s a euphemism for “lawyer” @ColeLennon

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That’s it, a tickle fight is the only way settle it. Let’s see who meant what in a baby pool ful of orbees. First one to take anything seriously loses haha

I think validating his need for media attention by actually bothering to discuss this is counterproductive. He’s a sideshow without the circus. Let’s just allow him to do what’s natural and fade into irrelevance as he slowly dies out.

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I was hoping this would be a thread about being hyper slapped. Because yes yes I have. 6 g of penis envy is well……too much penis envy


Not for any of the above. But I live a short commute from NYC, and watched the smoke from the towers for days. Hate politicians, all of them, but gotta say the man was the glue for NYC in the weeks after, can’t deny that. That was all local news for me, not watching from across the country, but from across the river. He didn’t hide in a bunker, he was out and about, gotta give him that much.

As I hate politics, can’t say I keep a scorecard on any one of them. Dislike them all equally…

THATS probably the best, and most likely answer. ya know, a “free” fishing trip… on us…

worked in a political laaw firm for 10 years. Ya wonder why I hate politicians and lawyers? WORK for em (and no I wasn’t an attorney, just did the billing). Even doing defense work, I still hated em. SO underhanded, sneaky, calculating…

he’s not even that now.

But is this a frivolous complaint / lawsuit? Can we label him a vexatious litigant now? :rofl:

Dude, don’t let @Slick1 intimidate you. He likes to photoshop things…


“He’s trying to go to hell in a handbasket” said my forefathers

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Agreed. I almost fell over laughing at the ‘gentle caress’ that he thought felt like a gunshot.
Have a seat grandpa snowflake. What a pathetic joke

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I slapped someone on the back like that and we became good friends.


You know, I came expecting some funny stories of escapades resulting in a slap in the face- but it’s just bitching. Why does it always have to be bitching?

I once asked a woman when she was due. Turns out I was thinking of a different person… Now that was a slap!


Here’s a random budshot to ease the pain @rudygiuliani


Let’s all get together an fart in his direction. He’s so weak we could probably blow him off the earth


Chili cookoff???



Seems there’s been a history of false allegations involving politicians the last few years… allow it to go unchecked and it just festers.

The quicker we learn to tune out the politicians and media rhetoric the better off this country will be.

It’s pretty simple though, in this politically charged hatred environment… keep your fucking hands to yourself.


“You mean Rudy didn’t even see that high five coming?”- Chris rock


This man is just a walking embarrassment, he would have done much more for his legacy by just saying nothing over the last 5 years or so.

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