Sponsored Grows


I think it would be cool if there was a sponsored grow section. In this section breeders would run grow journals of what they are currently working on or they could sponsor a grow for a member or a member could be self sponsored. :smiley: the main point is to get as many different breeders/strain banks represented. This would bring people to the site as well as begin to create an all inclusive community.


We have that happening already I think, correct me if I am wrong, in a slightly different format. We have breeders listed in the breeders section, with people posting their grows of the breeders seeds, and discussing the quality of their products.


From my impression it was more of a breeder advertisement than a breeder or breeder sponsored grow.

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Possibly a sticky badge representing the breeder or seed bank and then the grow underneath it. Maybe the sticky and then hover for grow, haha :wink:.

(All in one category)

Edit: have a sticky badge for breeder/seed bank then have 2 tabs; a Grow tab and a discussion tab.

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There could even be a ā€œoutlineā€ to make it simple for breeders to upload the grow to forum format.
(Minimal effort)

Haha what about overgrow the mmorpg :roll_eyes::wink::grin:. Travel to the different realms and visit the different vendors. Visit local coffee shops to chat or enjoy a snack. Participate in giant marijuana tree logging competitions :wink::gem::hear_no_evil:.
Visit the live auctions.

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Search and find the elusive landraces.

Join with a group of your friends for stoned dodgeball.

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Or visit the breeders blimp in real lifeā€¦



I like the part of different realms. The realms being where the strains originate.

Mmorpg aside, I think that there should be sponsored Grows. Like have a tag for the breeder/strain house and the 2 subcategories; grow and discussion.

:drum: what would be really cool :sunglasses: would be a Humboldt Seed Co Freakshow contest of sorts to start off. Like grow the coolest looking plant with the best smells terps colors etc.

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Someone should start a copyright system for MJ. Itā€™s like a book you can use it how you want but reproduction for commercial uses is prohibited.

So like then usable crosses would come down to a simple copyright agreement.:face_with_monocle::exploding_head::gem::butterfly::beers::cowboy_hat_face:

@anon98660487 I wonder what would happen if you tried to put your strain list/crosses on amazon publisherā€¦:wink:

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Weā€™ve had some sponsors (Serious seeds comes to mind) giving away seeds to our members to grow them and make reportsā€¦ Weā€™ve got whole gallery in #indoor-growing:growroom-diaries of self-sponsored grows :slight_smile: That is roughly the same thing, or not? You just want to package it in more elegant wayā€¦ :slight_smile:

It definitely sounds like something that could be offered to the sponsoring seedbanks. The problem is in the matching between grower and seedbank. It comes with the responsibility. What if the grower doesnā€™t deliver what sponsor expects. I donā€™t think that this has been successfully resolved. Have you seen that somewhere working? :slight_smile:


First, this wouldnā€™t be a giveaway thing. The breeder could just sponsor a single trusted grower. The user level on the site would be a good indicator to start with. Second, in my mind, it seems like it would be easy for a breeder to post a few pics and notes documenting a grow. It would be even easier with a standard outline.
This in no way should detract from the user grows.
I havenā€™t seen this elsewhere, but I believe that with the level of expertise demonstrated by the users here a breeder would feel confident letting someone officially document a strains grow.

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Imm, the easier it is for the breeder to use the site the more participation there would be. Something that is attractive to both the enthusiast and the marketing the breeder would receive would work the best. Also I donā€™t think it should be a sponsorship thing, it should be free for the breeder/seed bank to participate.

You could do like an adsense type thing for the breeder if necessary.

Also I donā€™t think it should be limited to only the most prominent breeders. It should be open to anyone who is interested.

Well based on a mutual understanding between breeder grower and the community at large, I feel that if a grow didnā€™t meet the breeders expectations they can be assured that a best effort was made and that the failings of one particular grow are in no way representative of the quality of the breeders genetics.

Iā€™d prefer the sponsors come up with what they wanna do in their sponsored section instead of OG building a commercial grow zone for them. They can do what is proposed in this thread right now if they like.