You ever get slapped?

Ok, when is enough, enough?? I’m sure you’ve seen the video of Rudy Guiliani getting the “pat on the back” in a Staten Island Shoprite.

WHEN does the bullshit end?

After 9/11 I had a huge amount of respect for the man. How he handled NYC after the attacks on the WTC, he truly was “America’s Mayor” and on top of his game.

But lately, the crap he’s pulled, belongs more in a Three Stooges movie than on national news.

Does this man not realize it was on store security cameras with the allegations he’s making?

“Hit so hard he stumbled forward 1 or 2 steps” - watch the video, he doesn’t step forward until a few seconds later when he’s turning to confront his “attacker”.

“He could have fallen, hit his head and died” - I’ve seen 5 year olds hit each other harder and not cry. I’ve had bosses pat ME on the back harder. Is this man’s sense of balance so bad that a pat on the back will push him over? (look at the video, obviously its not)

He wants the guy punished for assault and to get jail time. REALLY? Is that not the BIGGEST overreaction you’ve ever seen? I may not agree with his politics, but take politics out of the picture, and this is worse than a slip and fall that’s been staged at Walmart!

I don’t care why he was hit, and LETS NOT discuss that here as its a political rabbit hole. But can we talk about the ABSOLUTELY RIDICULOUS claims this man is making about being assaulted? I mean, every coach of any sport that has ever patted a kid / adult on the back should go to jail for assault, if his claims are true. If you farted next to him, would he claim you were trying to kill him with poison gas?

What happened to modern society where claims like this can be blown SO out of proportion, DESPITE having video evidence which refutes his claims that he was hit so hard he stumbled forward. Seriously, claims like this need to be squashed, and the “slapper” here should be able to file suit for false allegations. Its disgusting that society has become such a bunch of whiney, sue-happy people.

So… Did Rudy overreact?




They tried this on me but I got off because there was only a whiff of evidence.


what about some one spitting in your face !!! believe that is the lowest fourm of expression

While I agree, we’re leaving politician status out of this. Cause I don’t wanna get this thread shut down.

We’ll just call him an example of how society is becoming a bunch of weak, sniveling whiney sue happy people.

Next question: How many times has Rudy patted someone on the back harder than that? And why isn’t HE in jail for assault? I really wanna see that video clip be assembled. 200 pats from Rudy vs the 1 he got…

Don’t know why, but Guliani flopped. That guy barely even touched Rudy. It was like “Attaboy, Rudy”
Our society has become so out of touch with reality.
Can’t even give a guy Kudos, anymore. Supersad!


Technically, that CAN be an assault, as you could pass pathogens to the person you spit on. An HIV+ person with bleeding gums can absolutely transmit HIV if it got in your eyes / on another mucous membrane. Thats why prisons have spit hoods.

So spitting could be a slippery slope.

But a pat on the back and being called a name? Dude needs a thicker skin…

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When you said you swallowed I never realized there was a noble intention there. Bravo!


No one will be safe untill we’re growing into our chairs completely physically isolated from each other in the metaverse


If ya can’t run with the big dogs, stay on the porch. But don’t come whining to me when others aren’t kissing your ass the way you like it(their lips were too dry).

I have to admit, I knew nothing about the “slap” until your post, so I found it on YouTube to better understand what you were talking about.

For those who haven’t seen it, I’m posting the clip below for your review. But be warned, this is very graphic elder abuse, and might be difficult for some of you to watch

But seriously, what do you expect from this guy?


After watching that Giuliani should be arrested for filing a false report. He didn’t even move stumble nothing. Let’s see those bruises :joy::joy::joy:.
Elder abuse is terrible. I’ve been seeing it more as I get older.


If the slapper said “Great Job Rudy” instead of what he said, this wouldn’t have even been an issue. It’s not about the slap, so much as the hurt feelings and chance to grab the media’s attention.

And lets be honest, lawyers are the best at over-exaggerating issues to work in their favor.

I do hope that was tongue-in-cheek joking? If that’s elder abuse, then the woman in the black shirt who pats him on the back rubs his back right after should also be brought up on assault charges, no?? This was not about the slap, maybe not even so much what was said, as it was a gross attempt to grab the medias attention and sympathy, for a total non-issue that shouldn’t have even been a pebble in the road that day. It’s legal posturing at best. If the guy had said what he said, without the “slap”, not a thing could / would have been done for “freedom of speech”. Sure, shoprite might have fired the guy for saying that while on the clock, but that’s about it. There would be no criminal charges at all for that. So if a pat on the back is an assault, when does a handshake become some kind of physical violation as well? SMH.

Sad part is… I really did hold this man in high regard after 9/11. He was everywhere he was supposed to be, in the thick of things, getting stuff done. His fall from grace has been spectacular. This really is a whole new low for him.

I seriously wanna see some remixed music video where its all Rudy patting someone on the back. I am SURE there are hundreds of clips available.

I love the “wild west” comparison. Homey needs to crack a book and shut off the boob tube, unless he’s referring to blazing saddles haha.

you’re mistaken… I request THEY swallow… Somehow I knew you’d be on that like a 42nd street hooker jumps on a… well we won’t go there…

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Heres a gold nugget i found, a little older but still good


Anything to remain relevant. Anything.

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Dude is gonna hold up great in prison!



Obviously bull shit posturing.

But I will say, I fucking hate being patted on the back. Hands to your fucking selves, didn’t you learn that shit in kindergarten? Especially by an employer, that has power move written all over it.

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