Help me calm down please!

So, out with my fiancée, been with her 12 years as of the 14th. Several years ago, I rolled Uber pretty heavy for a few years as a sideline…. Tonight, someone who hangs out at the same bars I do, who used to take rides with me on the regular (bad late night drunk) talks shit to me, I have my fiancée with me. He is about my size, 6’3”, 280, not fat. He tells me that because I am not a guy that raises cattle, I am shit, in front of my fiancée.

I am well trained in unarmed combat, striking, grappling, wrestling, and ground game. I could put this punk to sleep pretty quickly…Usually,l don’t encounter this shit because , as they say on SNL, “people like me”!

By nature I am about peace and non-violent confrontation. At 54 years old I had hoped I was done with this.

When this guy calls me out without my fiancée around next time, what should I do???


Say nothing, Do nothing. It’s chess not checkers.


Love your advice my friend!


it’s understandable to be angry. i would too.
but think about what will happen after you beat him up.
will you get away with it, with no consequence??
or will it lead to more bs which will make you angrier and regretful
think about your love ones before you act.
to me, words are just words. if i choose to not hear them, i dont hear nothing :grin:
well good luck, and take care :slightly_smiling_face: :+1:


If he is just talking shit, tell him to fuck off. Or ignore him.
I wouldn’t lay a finger on him unless it was for self defense, even then, you can still be legally fucked for defending yourself these days.
There are alot of mouthy douche bags out there, just looking to cause trouble. Try not to let yourself get troubled by them. I know, it can be extremely hard in some cases. Some people just suck.


Agreed!!! Thanks for being a voice of reason, I should be beyond this but alas, too human.


I agree with the others. If it’s just words let it pass. It’s great you train and can be chill, confident in your abilities🤙🏽


Thanks for your input, all valid, don’t trust douches to have a code. Think, unless alone with this guy and another provocation, won’t lower myself. The fact that I have very potent medicine means I can care less…


@Sasquatch sounds like maybe he would benefit from some of your home grown meds


Gracias!!! Just need to breathe, just surprised this got me so jacked, usually I could care less but this got me!!!


I totally understand, I always stick up for myself as well. Sometimes it leads to trouble though.
It really is best just to be the first to walk away, even though its really hard, and against some of your morals. It can be easier in the long run.
Another reason to medicate more. :laughing: :v:


Pay no mind to him my friend…
People like him drain energy, don’t let him live rent free in your head…


I feel you brother! It’s a daily struggle
Cannabis has definitely helped enormously in keeping me out of jail for fighting😆


Besides, everyone in the world can’t just raise cattle.
We need people of all skills/trades etc. :v:

Maybe that guy should spend less time at the bar and spend more time raising his cattle? :rofl:


Don’t know if he does, but glad I was under the influence of some of the Mendo Breath S1’s that were acquired thru our Community, made me consider Peace, Jah, Love, …


True words for sure! Thanks for your help!


Buy another Harley.


Been a few years since my greybar hotel experience… did 63 in County once, 96, another, all about our Herb. Don’t regret it other than the intolerance of general society at the time, but f’em!!!


Ya man, best to laugh it off to “people are idiots and move on” i had a friend who used to tell me i didnt know what i was doing and not a real rancher even though my family has had cattle all my life and i worked fmy neighbors cattle with them. then when i went into IT he told me i wasnt really an IT guy becsause i didnt go to school for it.

Like i said some ppl are just idiots and arent worth the time thinking about them or give them the reaction they are trying to get from us by spewing their idiot speak…

deep breath and move on. Im sure ur 12 year fiance prolly appreciates not having to bale you out :rofl:


He’s drunk. Right? Drunk talk is not true talk. He might not even remember it. And if he asks. Tell him you have a small herd boarding at a ranch. If he asks what breeds. Tell him baldies. Black.