1st Grow 1st Post - Seed Found in Homegrow Bag of Maui Wowie

Welcome to Overgrow!!What type of Fungi did you practice in gourmand or Psychedelics?

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Psychedelics – you can find me over on that server as xVadisx. It’s interesting how different a plant is from the fungi! I’m curious if I’ll find overlap for some of the tools, but can’t see needing the autoclave or 2x4 laminar flowhood, lol.

I’ll do some pH testing! Should be anyway :).

Thanks y’all for the help along the way. Happy to be here!


thats good info about PH, i think sometimes my PH too low, but i get a lot of rain water often and i try to balance it out a bit i guess. but im finding that 6.4-6.5 seems to be where the plants like to be the most, maybe higher in flower. i also read something about when typical plants like gardening plants or shrubs idk they all like to be 6.4 too and fight better against stuff at that ph. so that was interesting to read . ive also learned in cocoa maybe you need a lower ph too


As I’m winding down my mushroom grows for the year I’m winding up my first plants! Really really excited to be diving head first into the deep end here.

A few things happened with the plant:
-Watered 1000mL distilled (will adjust pH next round – it tested at 6.9)
-Added a little more soil on top, a few handfuls
-Watered in the new soil with an additional 500mL (will be waiting 3-4 days at least before next watering…probably, testing the soil though and trying to let it dry out)
-Mixed up some BTI (mosquito bits) and sprayed the soil – will water with this mix next time

…and then something else happened. Something that changed the direction of my day. I saw…a little tiny fucking ant! INSIDE MY GROW ROOM. Nope. Sorry little dude. Broke out the DE and went all around. Also moved things and started deep cleaning (once a year I use bleach). I’m somewhat in the stage of a giant disaster in my place but am getting very stoned and organizing tonight.

Tent comes in a few days.

OH!!! I also found the receipt for my current lights – they’re T5 VEG LED w/ UV from a grow shop. Detailed description I know.


It’s slowly coming together. I was (am) exhausted from work but this came and I wanted to get it set up! Got everything connected. Waiting on a small fan for inside the tent and a humidifier but really happy right now. It…needs some tidying and cord management – but for throwing it together I think I did okay. Got the duct fan on a 72F night max / 79F day max. For now on full blast when needed and 1 when not. The little vent in the bottom of the tent on the back I opened. Switched the plant over to 12/12 as well so it can do its thing and I can move on to a fresh grow of GDP.


Right on man always good to start somewhere have you found out the sex yet. I mightve missed that… anyway looking up man. I use cannabis for medical reasons aswell. Also, I smoked long before it was needed for my medicine. The stuff is amazing. This place is amazing. Enjoy!



I’m still not 100% on the sex. I think it’s female based on some hairs coming out of pistils and crossed pistils – but it very well could still be a dude. It’s the only plant I have at the moment and I just switched it to 12/12. It’s still in it’s first 12-hours of dark in the new tent. I guess I’ll find out soon enough!


Going to clean up the setup tonight.

A few questions as I feel like I really don’t know what I’m doing exactly.

The Carbon Filter feels not securely into the duct fan. I also see in other pictures it looks like one end of the filter is being stuck in a duct-port (opening on the tent) – what is standard best practice?

Should I also extend out the ducting inside the tent and make it look more like VivoSun’s stock pictures?

Should the duct fan be venting on 10 when it kicks on or is that overkill? I’ll monitor and stay tuned for effectiveness.

Should I open the back or side vent flaps on the bottom? Will this cause light leaks? (Guessing…yes – and yes if not careful?)

How far up should the clip on fan be? (that I don’t have until tomorrow)

I’ll be doing homework for all of these but now am running out the door to work. Can’t wait to get back tonight! Thank y’all for your time!!


Hey man,

I’ll take a pic of my tent setup when lights come on in a few hours.

-I attach carbon filter directly to fan using foil tape / duct tape. I then run ducting from the fan to outside of the tent. I agree yours looks a little awkward lol I would have some of that ducting inside the tent, which will also allow you to get that fan and filter closer to the ceiling of the tent.

-I run the duct fan 24/7. Half speed if veg, full speed in flower.

-Vent flaps are going to allow light leaks if open, so i keep mine closed. I would cut off a big chunk of that exhaust venting that’s currently outside your tent, and use it on the other side of the tent as an “intake” vent. Run it to the floor of your tent on the left side. Your going to have negative pressure but that’s OK.

-Clip fan you will move around as the plants grow. I kind of just have mine blowing on the thickest parts of the canopy.


Alright I grabbed some pics. I don’t claim this to be the best way, but it works and it’s what I do. Ignore all of the goofy ways I keep the electric cords off of the light/ballast lol.

Flower Tent air out (foil tape to seal fan to filter);

Flower Tent air in: (passive)

Veg tent air out: (no tape cause it doesn’t smell)

Veg tent air in (passive);


Awesome! Thank you for the answers and the pics. I’ll get things cleaned up tonight after I finish teaching and share :).

This community is already wonderful. I’ve learned a ton in…the few short days I’ve been here.

One day maybe I’ll be one of the cool kids ;).



Still need to put in the intake ducting – for now I’m using the flaps on the bottom of the tent. They’re both facing a nearby wall in a dark closet during dark hours (with good airflow – I think).

Cleaned up the carbon filter/fan/ducting a bit on top. Added a clip fan.

Avg. temp 75.6F / Avg. humidity 40.5% / Avg. VPD 1.8kPa

Resisting the urge to water. The top looks drrrrrry. The bottom, according to the meter, is still wet. Last watering was 1500mL on the 22nd (it’s been three days and change). Tomorrow?

Hoping to see better signs of sex confirmation although I’m thinking she’s a she?


Looking good man, and I agree, pretty sure you have a healthy female there.

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I wouldn’t water till she starts showing signs she is getting dry, let them roots spread out


Giving another day / waiting for signs before watering again.

Did some defoliating – hopefully not too much, but here we go!

Also added a net for some LST as it grows.


Chugging right along here and planning my next moves.

I’m going to pop four GDP seeds from Homegrown Cannabis Co soon. (Within the month — just waiting for a few lights to come. Also might wait for this current plant to finish flowering as it’s my first but I’ll probably just end up diving into the deep end sooner than later if I know myself.)

This Maui Wowie plant is in Build A Soil Light. Having no experience I have to say I’ve been happy. I’ve done nothing but water it as far as any added nutrients go. I’m a little concerned with the Groundswell I have to use for the GDP — it’s what’s available closer to me (and the owner of this grow shop was super nice and seemed knowledgeable), but the Build A Soil isn’t that far away and I’m debating what I should use. Both? Side by side? I feel a bit overwhelmed.

I’m daunted by the sheer number of nutrient products out there and although I know I’ll need to be using some of them — I really am trying to understand wtf I’m doing and why I’m doing it.

I’ve heard the term reactive grower and feel as if that’s me right now — waiting and reacting if needed. Learning.

I’m also trying to pick a germination method. For this plant, it was just a wet paper towel in a Tupperware and then into another Tupperware with a coco coir and verm mix I had lying around from growing mushrooms (900g coco, 385g verm, 5000mL boiling water — into an insulated 5gal bucket — cooled). I’ve been reading everything from the paper towel, to direct to coco, to soaking, solo cups, rockwool? — anyway — I’m starting to get the feeling that there are several “paths” and multiple intersections in growing. I’m developing a serious respect for the talented growers out there already! This isn’t…simple (and that’s okay!).

Well, anywho, watered the Maui plant with 2000mL, slowly, with (I think?) three breaks to smoke a bubbler. Waiting. Reading. A few days into flower now.


That’s it right there :point_up:


Popped a few GDP beans today! I’ll start a new thread for that grow in a bit.

Upgraded the tent with an intake vent. Closed the other vents on the tent to prevent light leaks.


-Top dressed with Build A Soil Top Dress (BuildAFlower)
-Watered 2000mL
-Installed new light
-Working on dialing in VPD, but it’s been 100F+ here which, even with the AC, is making things difficult during the day
-About 6-7days into flowering now
-Still training into the net


Looking very good and healthy man. I wouldn’t sweat the vpd too much … keep doing what you’ve been doing.

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